Crafting the future

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Her eyes scanned the court room, teeming with suitors from the rest of the realm of Aryas, some even from beyond. It looked like yesterday when nobody would even bother to care when her future was sealed by an over reaching emperor, when she was taken away in front of her own brother's eyes by that Rishi who those memories, she had to fight with herself to suppress them. Today they were all here, vying for her hand. The smile on her lips, easily passed for bridal coyness. In truth, it was contempt. The images on her large black eyeballs changed from the first suitor on her left.

"Damaghosh of Chedi!"

The last time I saw him and that was long back, he was still in a groom's attire too! Did he never change?

"Sudakshin of Kashi"

Kashi, well, Forgive me Lord Vishvanath, that's where a mother had to give her son up and you watched! 

"Sahadev, Prince of Magadh!"

It would be fun to weave that web of love over this one and scheme revenge on his father! But look at his face! He looks like he was born dead and lives dead! Huhh! Not worth my life!

She walked a step ahead of the two ushers. Her gaze froze. It was him! The pale hue, the restrained muscular treasure, the affable smile...she could remember his face like she saw him every day. She did not need the usher to announce the name. Her feet took her to him each step widening the curve of his lips, brightening the spark in his eyes! The garland in her hands now adorned his neck, her fingers making contact with his broad shoulders. 

"Prince...No! King Pandu of Hastina!" The usher followed up in a hurry. 

All that Princess Kunti felt was the warm tug on her arms when he gently pulled her closer. The momentary spark of triumph in his eyes melted into tenderness and a trace of uncertain fear of being a husband for the rest of his life. For the first time in the past months or years that she had lost count of, she felt the urge to giggle, like she used to do as a carefree child at Mathura. It felt like he held the vitality of her life that had left her long ago. She had found it back. She had found him!

"Hastina would be overjoyed to welcome her Queen Kunti." 

It looked like by now, he had caught the mischievous glint in her eyes.

Do you dare tease me, your groom?

I can, I am the Queen, mind you, thanks to you! 

That is deceit, Lotus eyes!

You asked for it, Strong arms!

The shouts of cheer, the deafening sound of drums, the laughter among the women, nothing fell on her ears. She had never dreamt of feeling love and of imagining this wordless conversation. Not difficult to read his thoughts with eyes like this that seem to mirror what his heart felt! Kunti then turned, glancing at Bhoja. They shared a knowing smile that only they understood. She was ready to face, no, craft her future. Dear destiny who destroyed Pritha, Here comes Kunti! No, Queen Kunti!


Princess! Nooo! My Queen! errr, My Lotus eyes, no, My soulmate! Arghh! The word and the intonation they need to match, you idiot!

Pandu found himself mouthing endearments and his voice, the one that roared on the battlefield, seemed to fail him as his foot faltered past the threshold of the bridal room.

She stood there by the bed and turned. Her eyes! Wonderful, Maharathi Pandu, drop your weapon in surrender!

"Arya!" She broke the silence stepping closer and stopped. Possibly gauging if he would open his arms or needed her to kneel at his feet.

"My Queen!" Before Pandu knew, he went down on one knee. "Pray, don't stare me down with those doe like eyes! I don't have a shield that would protect me from those."

She broke into a fit of giggles. He could keep hearing them all night! He saw her feet falter to retain their balance, her laughter making her slender figure rock from side to side. Just as he felt she could fall, he rose and held her to his bosom. 

"My King!"

"Did I say something that funny?"

"No, Arya, just that your messengers had greatly faltered in describing you to me. I almost feared a mighty warrior to break into the bridal room and pin me down on bed."

"And yours failed you with such a wide margin too! They told me it would take all my life to earn your smile."

"Both of us got cheated. Square?"

Pandu found a part of him melting in her warmth. He had expected a shy maiden needing heaps of endearments to coax her into bed. But she seemed like a companion from past births who was not just a bride, but a friend too!

"Kunti!" His voice turned solemn and paused, leading her to the bed. "I fear I might disappoint you."

"I know you shall never disappoint me, My King." She caressed his cheek. "What bothers you, Arya?"

Her touch, it was the one of strength. Pandu felt an unknown power surround him. She would understand!  "My Queen, I am right now on a campaign."

"Like a conquest?"

"Call it so." He shrugged, "though I wish most of it to remain diplomatic than military. It might take a year or two. You might have to stay here, till I comeback and take you to Hastina." 


"Dearest, I have to be the most unfortunate man who can't even lay his hand on the Goddess of fortune smiling right in front of him. I wish to put off our bridal night till I return." He saw her eyes narrow. "Say, you forgive me, Kunti Please." He threw his arms around her waist.

"I...I don't understand Arya?"

Pandu looked away. "If all Gods forbid, something happens to me, I would prefer you stay untouched and eligible to marry another worthy groom."

"By saying so, you insult the vows I took in the presence of fire, Pandu."

"I took responsibility of your joys and sorrows Kunti. I can't be the one to cast you into a life of misery and loneliness."

He saw her turn away. What he missed seeing was an unexpected surge of relief in her eyes. "As you wish, Arya. But I shall not wed another man, whatever happens. And I shall proceed to my home, Hastina by myself."

Her words held a sense of finality that he could not refuse. "As you wish, dearest. I just thought you would prefer to stay with your father rather than among strangers there."

"Am I not the Queen?" She hauled her brows. "Who will look after the Kingdom in your absence?"

"I can trust upon Uncle Bhishma and my younger brother Vidur." 

"Well in that case, let us relieve some of Uncle Bhishma's burden and help brother in law Vidur." She beamed. 

Pandu found himself swelling in pride, feeling secure like a warrior whose chariot was driven by the best charioteer in the world. 

"Your wish, my command. Take charge My Queen."

Vasudev and Pritha -Siblings who brought the Gods to the earth #MahabharataWhere stories live. Discover now