At Mathura

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Her hands placed in his, Vasudev mechanically repeated the vows., his gaze stealthily shifting to rest on Rohini among the crowd every now and then. 

Wrong! Wrong! But when was the last time something right happened? 

The two calm women between who his frantic eyes shuttled, one, his bride in secret and the other, his new bride handed over to him to lead his life till their hundredth autumn, both signalled him to keep his cool. 

That's all he could do. Other than suppressing his disgust at the pompous show of Kans in 'playing' the role of the bride's brother, commanding everyone's awe as the new son-in-law of the powerful Jarasandh. The King of Magadh had not graced the wedding and Vasudev did not miss his presence. He stood through the ritual holding Devki's hand, his heart melting at her innocence in which he cast herself into an uncertain life with him. Rohini had been large hearted about his 'second' marriage and so was Nanda. 

The Cowherd headman embraced him after the rites, handing over the gifts. "Don't blame yourself Vasudev. Don't I know you crushed your soul to keep our dear lenders, the Andhakas happy?"

He did not see Devki stare at him like she had come to know something new. "Cousin Kans!" She chirped waving at the Lord of Andhakas, who turned at her interruption and broke into a smile! "Where is my Dowry?"

"Anything for my dear little sister!" He announced loud enough for everyone in the hall room to hear. "She is the daughter of Andhakas and not some..." He paused casting a meaningful smirk at Vasudev who looked away. 

"Would you give me anything I ask for?" She threw her brows up, blinking."

"ANYTHING. Today is your day." 

"Declare the debts given to the Shoora household and the cowherds of Gokul void, Cousin. I don't want my marital family or their friends to look at me like a burden from their debtor."

Kans' eyes narrowed. The crowd fell silent. He had demanded their attention in a bid to parade his status and now, she had landed him where he could not refuse. His teeth gnashed at Vasudev who he blamed for manipulating her that way.

"Don't look at him!" Devki tugged Kans' arm. "If the son in law of the mighty Jarasandh cannot spare a paltry dowry for his sister, I shall not be the one to mind going empty handed to my marital home."

His jaws still tight, Kans nodded at her and then at the guests, forcing a smile. A jubilant cheer erupted among those from Gokul. And much to his displeasure, the cheer was directed at Devki and not him.

"Devki!" Vasudev exclaimed. "What did you just do?"

She blushed and looked away turning to Rohini who embraced her in a sudden burst of emotion. "Indebted to you forever, little sister. We are so fortunate to welcome you to our home!"

"Time for the bride to leave her parental home, Lord of Andhakas." The priest signalled. Devki approached the Princesses of Magadha, Asti and Prapti and then looked at Kans. Solemn embraces from them and a half-hearted pompous one from him. All that she had in her natal home. She knew she wold not miss much of this house except for the gentle Ugrasen, the retired Lord of Andhakas who had been a loving uncle. "Farewell, Child. I know you are indeed stepping into a world of joy from that of empty pomp." He whispered caressing her cheek.

"Lord of Shooras, grace this poor brother of the bride with an opportunity to drive your bridal cart back to the Shoora household. 

"Don't embarass me, Lord of Andhakas." Vasudev responded with a polite smile. "The Shooras shall shift their home to Gokul. Consider my house at Mathura as a repayment for your kindness."

Vasudev and Pritha -Siblings who brought the Gods to the earth #MahabharataWhere stories live. Discover now