Author's Appeal

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Dear Reader,

Namaste. Thanks for reading Vasudev and Pritha. The reads, the votes and the comments have gone a long way in making my solitary journey of writing a pleasurable one. Grateful to each and everyone of you.

Apologise for not updating the regularly because of my submission deadlines. I am happy to inform you that I am done doing the structural and substantive editing of my second novel - (Temporarily titled - The First Queen) A work of Rig Vedic fiction. 

Soon, I shall be pitching the manuscript to traditional publishers and your support would mean a lot in taking my work to the next stage. 

How can you support me?

You can in a lot of ways. 

1) By buying my first novel Abhaya - 

The paperback costs around Rs. 270 while the Kindle edition is priced around Rs. 99. Subscribers of #KindleUnlimited can read it for free while helping the book up the rankings.

2)By rating/reviewing the book on  Amazon and on Goodreads (

  The momentum (Sales, rating and reviews) I can show for my self published book works as a convincing pitch to the publisher. If you are one of those kind sould who have read Abhaya and blogged about it, please let me know in the comments. Would be delighted to add your links to my site -  

3) Social Media Support - Social Media presence is one of the undeniable qualifications needed for brands now-a-day and like it or not, authors are brands by themselves. 

Please follow me on twitter -

Also do please like my Facebook Page -

Every follow matters and every like matters. 

4) Last but not the least, kindly spread the good word among your friends :-).

Thanks a lot. Hoping to update soon.

Namaste _/\_

Vasudev and Pritha -Siblings who brought the Gods to the earth #MahabharataWhere stories live. Discover now