Dharma descends!

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"Is it true?" Disbelief and hope alternated in Pandu's eyes. "Kunti, did I hear it right?"

Kunti took her time to nod, her eyes gazing at how Pandu held her arms. Desperation. A secret that she had hoped to never reveal. What she thought was a nightmarish curse now showed signs of becoming the boon that it was supposed to be. "Yes, My King. It sounds impossible and too fantastic to be true, I know."

"But we can always test it. Nothing is lost. Can you really summon a God of your choice to beget a child from him, dearest?"

Kunti inhaled pursing her lips. This should be the moment she had to reveal about the child she had abandoned on the banks of Ganga years ago. The unfairness meted out to the new born, Kunti thought had hit her and Pandu and even the innocent Madri. What had started as a pleasure trip to the wilderness turned into a cursed life of renunciation. The arduous life in the forest had taken its toll on both, Madri and Pandu. 

"Why did you not tell me earlier! We could have..." Pandu demanded and then shook his head. "I never really gave you both the opportunity to speak your heart out. Did I?" He saw Kunti's eyes hover away from him. "Let us try the boon Kunti?"

Kunti steeled herself and nodded. Her eyes turned towards the rising sun, a magnificent sight from the hilltop on which they sat. "The Sun..."

"No, not the Sun." Pandu interrupted. "Kunti, you want to give birth to a ruler. An emperor who would expand the borders of the Kuru empire to corners where even Uncle Bhishma could not!" He saw Kunti's face fall. "My Queen, I know you love the sight of sunrise. I have seen you gazing at it every day and I can't say how, but you do feel connected to the Sun. I worship him too. He is generous. He rises to impart wellness to everyone alike! Nothing can make him swerve from his chosen path. But those qualities exactly are not the ones we want to see in an emperor!" 

"Do you mean to say the son of the Sun cannot make a good king?"

"He perhaps might, Kunti. But just not the eldest of our children." Pandu stroked her cheek. "The emperor our son would make needs to carry the burden of ruling. Something I could not deliver to my empire." Pandu's face fell at the memories of the curse that had taken him away from the throne of the empire that he had given his everything to expand. "The King that my first born would make, has to be generous, but not unconditionally generous like the Sun. He has to clinch this earth from the hands of the likes of Jarasandha. He also has to differentiate between foes and allies, a constantly changing equation in political power games. He has to stand by the path of fairness, but cannot be impartial to mete out a blindly equal treatment to good and the bad. And when danger threatens his empire, he needs to be ruthless on himself to sacrifice what is dear to him for the larger good. He has to be endowed with wisdom, authority and humility!" Pandu lifted Kunti's chin making her look up at him "Invoke the God of Dharma Kunti. He is who the earth would welcome as her ruler!"

Kunti nodded and remained rooted to the spot. Invoke the God of Dharma. Beget a son who would clinch power from the likes of Jarasandha. Pandu made her realize the power she wielded. Mothering an emperor. She could literally change the destiny of Bharatavarsha. She felt Pandu squeeze her shoulder and leave her alone to propitiate the God of Dharma. She continued to be seated, remembering the incantations taught by Rishi Durvaas. Chants emanated from her lips, not like the clueless maiden's call that happened years ago, but like an edict from the woman who willed to change the destiny of the land.

The Rishi's words came true! Again!


She opened her eyes to see a golden hued orb surround her. She had experienced it earlier. But this felt more welcome. 

"Arise Kunti"

 "Dharma! The Lord of the universal order! Pray, let me see you."  

The orb brightened further and just when Kunti shielded her eyes, she saw the form, the radiant outline manifest. She held her breath, at the sharp gaze that beheld her, at the benevolent curve of the lips. "Lord Dharma!" She gasped when she felt him raise her from the ground holding her arms. "Salutations!"

She saw Dharma beam, under the influence of the Rishi's Mantra. She felt drawn towards him too. Like a response to her unspoken wish, Kunti felt drawn into an embrace. "Let me bear a worthy son of your wisdom, virtue, majesty and humility, Lord of Universal order. Give me a son who would rule over this land, clinching power from monsters like Jarasandha." She spelt out each word that Pandu had mentioned. She felt his warm grip cupping her cheeks. Real, yet, unearthly! "And let me not fail as a mother this time, Lord!" 

Dharma tenderly brushed her hair. "You would make a mother of heroes, Kunti. You desire a wise son who would ascend to power. But who would work to empower him? Do you think, Pandu's family would welcome the heir?"

"Would they not?" Kunti wondered aloud. "Even if so, how can any power stop your son, Lord Dharma?"

With an inscrutable gaze Dharma shook his head. "Dharma is unstoppable Kunti. It shall find its way to assert despite forces defying it!"

"Where was Dharma when Jarasandha gave away me, and my sisters as chattel and rode to power over riding their lives with his power lust?" 

"It was sowing its way to manifest, Kunti, through you." 

Kunti stared at him, at the depth that his eyes conveyed. Assuring and yet not! A lot remained to be done! "You chose to be an instrument of the universal order, child. It does not end with birthing my son alone. Daughter of Shoora, are you ready to travel this path ridden with intrigue, adventure, roller coaster rides comprising misery and joy?"

"What else has it been till now Lord?" Kunti laughed, melancholy echoing in her laughter. "And would I back out now? Never Lord Dharma. Grant me the son who would rule this land, with Dharma as his only priority, with justice and fairness and not with a lust for power."

"Wise one, I am bound to grant your wish. But heed my advice. My son born of you, would need more than having Dharma as his only priority." He smiled and nodded in emphasis, drawing her back into his embrace. 

Over powered and overwhelmed at the surge of energy that enveloped her, Kunti surrendered. May Dharma descend!


This has been one chapter I was nervous about writing! Not sure If I did justice to the Lord of the universal order, the father of the Emperor of Bharata Varsha. Comments and suggestions (And votes ;-) ) Welcome!

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