Chapter 7: Death and Despair the tide of New Beginings

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Rukia gently opened her eyes to discover a very concerned someone sitting right next to her. It was Byakuya. He was staring at the ceiling twitching his thumbs with impatience.

Rukia P.O.V (Thinking) What...happened? I don't recall coming to Soul Society....wait it was a dream right? Can this really be happening? I....I remember now... I made a fool out of myself in front of everyone... I lost Ichigo.... it...hurts...

With the utmost pain Rukia suddenly embraced Byakuya. Tears ran down her blue eyes as she cried with agony. Her eyes were filled with solitude and sadness. She was depressed about having to lose her love, depressed about being betrayed. She never knew a man once that she would love so much. Her thoughts told her it was over but her women's intuition proved her otherwise.

She firmly lifted her chin as she raised her head wiping off the tears. Finally she sat up to meet Byakuyas gaze. She cleared her voice. "I'm going to see Ichigo." She said looking sternly at Byakuya. "No you shall not." He exclaimed raising his voice.
"But-." She protested trying to get her way. "There will be no buts. You shall be accompanied when your condition improves."

For moments there was silence among the two but soon enough they settled down for an agreement. After all he was right she would not achieve anything in her current condition. Her best bet was to rest and to see how much she was worth to Ichigo. Was their love true and pure or was it a game? She wondered.

Meanwhile Yoruchi and Urahara were getting fed up of watching Ichigo as he lay there flat faced on the floor. His expression was stoneless his eyes sobbed as he tried to conceal them. He wasn't smart when it came down to women. All he was good at was saving those that he loved and those that meant a lot to him. He lay there confused unbeknownst of what he should do or should not.

"I can't watch" meowed Yoruchi as she licked  Kisukes face. "Ah your making me blush." He blushed as he petted Yoruchi. It was decided. They prepared to save the lost youth and give him one more chance at life. After all Yoruchi and Kisuke were the hearts of trade they were master romancers and valentines of love.

Suddenly an explosion burst out in Ichigos room as the curtains were lit and sparkles submerged into the ever caliginous room. It was a sight to behold. But someone was not very fond of their entrance. "Wow you need a grand entrance... is that all you can do?" Asked Karin smoking on her tobacco as she stood by the corner of the door.
"Meow" screeched Yoruchi abandoning her cat disguise. "We're here to talk" exclaimed Yoruchi folding her arms as she threw herself on the bed uninvited.
"Right..." sat up a very concerned Ichigo. "What brings you here?" He asked trying to wipe off his tears.

The trio sat discussing all of the recent events as they were accompanied by Karin. There was not much to suggest. Yoruchi told Ichigo to follow his heart and to apologize to Rukia while Kisuke advised him to stay out until things settled down. He wondered what he should do until finally coming to a conclusion."I'll do it." He said. "I will apologize to her within a few days to let things calm down." Brave approach the duo applauded him as they decided to help him out catching the real culprit behind things.

Meanwhile Tatsuki was heading back home after a long day of misunderstandings and wrestling. She was tired and wanted to get home as soon as possible. Once she was home she decided to head to the shower. Many thoughts were ringing in her head.

Tatsuki P.O.V
Was it wrong to leave him all on his own? She wondered staring at the ceiling. No he damn deserved it for trying to abandon Orihime!! After all she's pregnant with his child...but is he really the father? She questioned herself...he was sure a gentleman for holding himself against Rukia... she thought blushing for a second. Wait but he's still a baka and an asshole!! What am I getting so flustered for she thought.
"It's not like I like him-" she burst out talking to herself. "What...there's no way... he's an idiot there's  no way I could like someone like that! " she said to herself clenching her fist"

"But I....ughhh." Nevermind she thought. The past is the past and the future is the future. The most important thing is the present she thought reassuring herself that it was a temporary unrequited crush."

[Stay tuned in and stay updated! ]
Will Rukia escape to the human world breaking her promise to Byakuya? How do Yoruchi and Kisuke decide to help Ichigo? Will Ichigo be able to make it on time? What lies behind ahead as Renji plans his revenge? How does Tatsuki feel about Ichigo and will it be enough to reach Ichigo?

[Stay tuned to find out!!]

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