The Prom

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A/N I can't believe it's been almost a year since I posted in this story.. holy crap my bad guys 😂 I swear I haven't forgotten about it, I've been trying to write this prom out for months. But anyway, here it is. And as this story comes closer to an end, I have started writing the sequel as well. So be on the look out for that (of course I'll tell you through this story when it's up)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Abi and I woke with my alarm. She jumped up excitedly, "Nail appointment, c'mon! Throw on some sweats lets go."

I laughed, "Okay, okay, let's go. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, obviously it needs to match our dresses. I was thinking, for you, silver with black designs. I'm going wine red with gems."

"Oh-key-doke, you're the boss." I followed her out the door.

"Where are you two rushing off to?" Dad stood in the kitchen with a mug of coffee.

"Nail appointment." I hugged him and stole his coffee. "I'll see you later, we're taking the McLaren."

"No speeding!" he called as I opened the garage door.

"Then what's the point in taking the Mc?!" I shut the door and dove into the car.


The time came to put on our dresses. Abi had already done our make up and I was just kinda staring at my dress.

"It's a good dress, right? I stole the right one from Asgard?" I laughed.

"Yes, definitely. It's very you."


"Sleek and elegant were my words, and, well, the simpleness fits you too. But that's only becaause you wouldn't wear something like this." She held up her two peice dress, more a skirt crop top combo but fancy as all hell.

"True, but I can recognize its gorgeousness."

Her smile widened to cheshire cat territory.


"You girls look wonderful." Mom snapped another picture of Abi and I in our dresses.

Dad nodded, "A little too wonderful if you ask me."

"Dad. Dad, no. Do not go Iron Dad tonight, please."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You've never seen me as Iron Dad."

"Well, I don't want to see it tonight."

"Why on earth would I be Iron Dad? It's not like this is your first school dance, or the first dance with a boy, or the first dance with a boy who knows who I am."

I sighed, "Just...don't scare him off."

"Sure, kid, sure."

"Kyle and Logan will be here any minute. Why am I nervous? That's supposed to be your thing."

"It still is," I reassured Abi.

There was a knock at the door.

"I will get that," Mom said with a pointed look to Dad.

I rung my hands together until Kyle turned the corner into the kitchen.

"Whoa," he smiled at me. "You look good, T."

I smiled, "Back atcha."

Dad rolled his eyes. "Home by midnight. I don't want to see you two in the tabloids tomorrow. And you, Logan? You respect that gal you're taking or I'll track you down just as soon as I will this guy."

Abi blushed, "Oh, my god, Mr. Stark." She covered her smile with a hand, "Thank you," she mumbled as she started to pull her date to the door. My mom stopped her for a picture.

"I think you know exactly what to do and what not to do tonight, Kyle, so I'll spare you the speech. But just know, there was a speech, and it ended with me threatening your life... There's a limo outside for you kids. Have fun, be safe."

I hugged him, "Love you, Dad, see you at midnight, ish."

He laughed. "Get outta here."

"Picture!" Mom snapped a few shots of us then the group before we could leave.

The limo was silent before I broke into laughter, Kyle chuckled and shook his head, while Abi and Logan stared at us.

"I was expecting that to be so much worse," I gasped and finally my laughing slowed.

"Yeah, me too. I thought for sure he'd open the door in his Iron Man suit or something."

"Oh God, that would have been something..."

"I wasn't expecting him to say a word to me!" Logan's eyes were wide

"Me either," Abi laughed.

I shrugged. "Iron Dad knows no limits yet... I don't know if he'll get better or worse with practice though."

Kyle laughed, "Should be fun."

"Hey, there's sparkling cider in the mini fridge! Woo! Parrtay!" Abi laughed and passed out glasses.


We pulled up to the curb at school, and before I could say I didn't want to go the automatic doors opened and Jarvis said "I will be in the parking lot, scheduled pick up is 10 o'clock if you need me before then, use this ear piece." A small compartment popped open.

I freed the ear piece it from its holder, "Thanks Jar. See you at ten." Kyle stepped out of the limo first and held his hand out to me. I let out a deep breath and took his hand, stepping out of the car I noticed a lot of cameras, but they were held at bay by ropes and police. "Damn."

Kyle and I waited for Logan and Abi to exit the car. "Damn," Abs whispered.

Kyle smiled, "Who would ever tell you're best friends?"

"Well, no use waiting out here the party is in there." Kyle and I walked with linked hands, Abi's date wasn't too scared to put his arm around her. "Will you be able to touch more than my hand when we're in there without cameras?" I smirked.

"Dont be silly. A room filled with high schoolers and you think there are no cameras...? I'm just being cautious."

"I hate being cautious."

"I know, that's why it's my job." He put his arm around my shoulders. "Better?"

"Much," I said as we neared the building.

Inside there was a picture taking area, food, drinks and a few chairs against the wall, and, of course, the dance floor. It was already filled with the other students since we'd opted on arriving late.

It was extremely crowded in the small gym and I found it hard to focus on any one thing until Kyle put his hand on my cheek. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I will be, yeah. Just not fond of crowds, or attention, and now people are starting to look at me. Why did I wear a dress? It must be so weird to see me in a dress."

"You look beautiful. Let's go take pictures so that people know we were here and then we can sneak out the back. No tabloids for us and we can be back to meet Jarvis."

"You're amazing." We headed over to the picture booth and waited in the short line before holding up a sign that read "Prom '29", and a few others wearing goofy hats and sunglasses. I was laughing by the end and feeling better. "Let's stay a little while, grab some food or whatever."

He smiled, "Sure."

And that's when the bomb went off.

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