Chapter 2: Inheriting The Name

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"What?!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You're the shadow manipulator? From the legends?"

"Yes, and I don't have enough time. I've been looking for someone to inherit my name. And I have chosen you to be my successor." The shadow manipulator explained. "My body has become weak and pretty soon, I'd likely die. But before that, I need to pass on my ability as a shadow manipulator.

"Eh?! Why me?" I said. "Of all the people, why do you need to choose someone who's even afraid of a shadow?"

I didn't realize it at that time but my voice has been pretty loud since I began talking. Before I knew it, I heard footsteps going up the stairs.

Suddenly the door to my room opened.

"Are you okay, son?" My mom asked, alarmed. " I heard you shouting just now. Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, um, I was just practicing speaking with a loud voice," I answered like an idiot. "I'll be coming down soon, mom." Fortunately, mom bought my excuse.

"Oh, very well then." She said, calming down. " Dinner's almost ready."

The shadow manipulator managed to hide in the door. I don't know how to actually describe it, but he literally became a shadow at the back of the door. It happened so fast that my mom didn't notice it when she entered my room.

My mom closed the door behind her and headed downstairs to continue preparing for dinner. The shadow manipulator appeared once again. I can't get used to a shadow becoming a human in front of me. I told myself. As if knowing what I was thinking about, the shadow manipulator gave me a huge grin as he sat down.

"Well, let me get straight to the point. I have been looking for a successor for years. And now that my time is short, I finally found you." He explained.

Nothing is making sense to me since the shadow manipulator appeared.

"You are the rightful inheritor of my name." He continued speaking. "You really amazed me with your talent and bravery this morning. What you did was very courageous. Yes, very courageous indeed. Saving the weak has been my sole purpose in life and that's what you showed me back there, you reminded me of my purpose."

"Okay, so you were watching what happened this morning?" I asked him. "You must've laughed at what I did."

"No, you did a heroic thing back there." He said.

What's with this guy? I thought as I remembered how embarrassing I was just this morning.


Twelve hours ago...

It was a very cool and nice morning as I headed towards the school. I was quite elated because my dad just gave me my monthly allowance. I felt my pocket and smiled to myself. My bulging wallet was there, I couldn't ask for more.

I looked at the time. Six forty-five. I still got a few minutes to kill before class starts. I decided to head to the scenic bridge just a few meters from the school. I heard that the bridge is famous since a lot of men have proposed to their love on the bridge, hence it was called the Love Bridge.

As I approached it, I could see a few love padlocks hanging on the bridge's rails. My dad used to tell me that this is where he proposed to mom. That's why every time I pass by here, I always imagine my dad proposing to her. I looked at all the love padlocks, but the one that stood most of all was the padlock my parents locked there. It was a purple lock with their names engraved in golden letters. I smiled at myself.

When the time comes, I want you to propose to the one you truly love on that very bridge. I remembered my dad telling me.

I leaned on the rails and looked at the sky. I'm still sixteen. It's not like I'd be proposing soon. In the meantime, I guess I just need to make the most out of my teenage life. I said to myself.

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