Chapter 47: 夢の デート (Yume's Date)

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Yume looked around as twilight dawns in upon the sky. The once bright and colorful forests were beginning to become bleak and eerie. There was silent all over the place and the only sound breaking that quietness were the noise of the crickets. The night was beginning to grow cold as the sky turned into a dark purple hue and into a blackish haze.

And Hikari has not come back yet.

Where did he go? Yume worried as she leaned on the railinigs of the veranda, hoping to see Hikari running out of the forest. Did he get into trouble? Should I ask for help? She began to panic.

"Hikari! Hikari!" Yume started shouting.

Purr Purr...

Where is that sound coming from? Yume asked. Suddenly, something soft and furry brushed against her ankle, making her jump out of surprise. As she looked down, she saw a white tabby cat with pale blue eyes. Yume stared at it and picked it up. "Are you lost?" She asked the cat.

But the cat just looked at her on the eyes, as if it was looking straight into her soul. Yume was quite creeped out at first, but thinking that all cats act that way, she began to ignore its stares and continued on stroking its white flowy hair. This cat is so cute and cuddly. Who's the owner of this cat? Yume asked herself as she went inside and asked her aunt and uncle. It was also the first time her aunt and uncle saw the cat. Well, I guess I should keep this cat for now. The owner might pass by here and get it after. Yume told herself as she went back to the veranda, this time, waiting for another person other than Hikari.

Not long after that, a few silhouettes appeared from the forest, making Yume anxious. "Hikari?" Yume muttered, standing up.


"I see, that's why I wasn't able to detect your location. That was quite the strategy, Hana." I complimented after hearing their story. "Why did you all watch us, though." I continued.

"Because it was fun!" Kirihara immediately replied, much to everyone's surprise. "I mean, we thought that the plan wouldn't work on you that's why we tried it. But we were able to fool you so we continued it."

"B-but, we didn't mean to fool you, uhm, Hikari." Mitsumi added as she released me from her hug. "We just wanted to try it, sorry, Hikari."

"It's alright." I responded. "Why don't we head back to Yume's place? It's getting cold out here. I'm sure Yume and her aunt and uncle won't mind." 


"Man! All that running around made me hungry." Kirihara suddenly exclaimed. "Say, do you have any food, Hikari?"

"Let's go, everyone." I told them as I led the way towards the place. "I'll introduce you to Yume's aunt and uncle right away." I continued.

Phew! At least I'm not alone anymore! Yume's aunt and uncle would be surprised, and I think that will made them hold back in their treatment towards me, or something like that. I told myself.

Pretty soon, we reached the edge of the forest. We could see Yume's figure on the veranda. Why is she still outside? I asked myself as we approached her and waved at her. Did she wait for me all this time? But it's already getting cold. 

"Hikari?" Yume confirmed as she peered intently from the veranda. "Is that you, Hikari?"

"Sorry for making you wait, Yume. I brought company." I replied. 

"Konbanwa!" Everyone said as we got out of the forest.

"Oh, that's a very cute cat! Is it yours, Yume?" Mitsumi asked as she began petting the cat.

"No I just found it..." Yume began explaining.

"I can tell even at first glance that that cat is Hikari's." Kirihara interrupted. "Let me confirm. Hikari?"

"Yes, what is it?" I replied, glancing at the cat that caught Mitsumi's attention.

"This is your cat, right?" Kirihara asked.

"Cat? what do!" I exclaimed. "Shiro Rindou? What are you doing here?!" I blurted as I got the cat from Yume. "Thanks for looking after her, Yume."

"Uh, no i-it's o...what?!" Yume cried out, realizing who the cat was. "Is that really, Shiro Rindou?!"

Before we knew it, Shiro Rindou suddenly shifted to her human form in front of us. "Yes, it's me." She replied to Yume. After doing so, she turned around and faced me. "Welcome back, onii-sama." She continued.


For some reason, I still get surprised everytime I see Shiro Rindou transform in front of me. Good thing I was able to recognize her white flowy hair and pale blue eyes in an instant and I'd be able to lessen my surprise after seeing her transform. In any case, what is she doing here? I asked myself.


I quickly looked around as soon as I felt yet another glare behind my back, trying to prepare myself for a surprise attack. Fortunately, no surprise attacks came but I could still feel the lingering effects of the glare. I was pretty sure that it was only Mitsumi's group who were watching us but now, I'm quite uncertain since I could still feel it for a little bit. Where is it coming  from? I thought.

"Are you okay, Hikki?" Saika anxiously asked. "Why did you tense up all of a sudden. Is something bothering you?" She asked.

I knew that I couldn't hide anything from Saika-san since she could literally read my mind. She was also watching me so she probably didn't miss any of my thoughts. "Did you feel anything strange while watching us, Saika-san?" I asked after telling her about the glares that I've been constantly feeling. 

"What do you mean?" She responded.

"Like, someone's watching us." I added. "I thought it was just your group but now I'm not quite sure since everyone's already here, yet I still could feel some sort of glare coming from somewhere."

"You mean..." Saika began.

"Yes, someone's definitely watching us." I interrupted. 

Suddenly, the presence of the glare emerged from behind us. It didn't make us tense but the presence of it was not very reassuring. Without a doubt, someone's definitely watching us.

And they are coming closer!

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