Chapter 40: Mirror Reaper

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A huge helicopter came into sight!

"Oi...oi...oi...this is bad."Master Ryu commented. "I told you, he's pretty good at transporting things. Let's go take a closer look."

Master Ryu and I went nearer towards the helicopter. That's when we saw the cages lined up inside the helicopter's rear storage.

"No doubt about it." Master Ryu said. "This people certainly belongs to the organization the Blue Fire was talking about. I believe we have to take action right now. We can't afford to wait for the others to come."

One by one, the men loaded their haul in their specific cages. I could clearly see the pleased look in their faces as they counted all the summoned beasts that they have captured. 


Master ryu and I, even the rest of the men, stopped in our tracks as we were interrupted by a fierce growl emanating from the sky. A huge silhouette of something hung overhead as the growls became fiercer and fiercer.Much to everyone's surprise, a huge and white dragon suddenly swooped towards the helicopter, destroying it and rendering it malfunction in a split second. After releasing yet another growl, the white dragon began breathing fire towards the men. It seems extremely angry to the poachers. "Everybody, fall back! I'll take care of this one." The Silent Gas muttered as he began releasing huge amounts of gas from his arms. "Transporter! Teleport as much summoned beasts as you can! They are the priorities, not us!" He exclaimed.

"Hai hai." The Transporter calmly replied as he opened another portal. "I think I should tell you this, but that helicopter is already useless. I won't transport it so I can save time."

The white dragon finally got affected by the gas. It groggily fell down while desperately defending itself. Meanwhile, the men set to work on putting  net around the white dragon to capture it. They looked pretty satisfied as they tied the white dragon up. "I've never seen a familiar like this before, This would sell to a pretty good price." One of the men exclaimed.

After a few seconds of useless struggle, the white dragon finally fell into slumber. The men finally took it down.

"That's it! We're going in!" Master Ryu said. "You take care of all these men while I go inside that teleportation portal. Don't attack yet though, attack as soon as I'm safe inside the portal. But make sure that they won't get in my way in case I got detected."

Shifting to his shadow form, Master Ryu didn't waste any time gliding through the portal. I quickly set to work by going to the blind side of the Transporter. The moment Master Ryu got in the portal, I immediately made my move.

Shadow Bind

I began capturing everyone using my shadow bind. As soon as I took all of them by surprise, I immediately knocked the Transporter unconscious using my Shadow Gauntlets. That way, there will be no escape for the rest of them.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"So you're the shadow manipulator, huh." A guy said behind me while applauding. "It's such a coincidence to meet you here, or not." He seriously said.


"We're here!" The Blue Fire exclaimed as he presented the entrance towards the fiery place. "Welcome to the Azure Volcanoes!" 

Aoyama, Rin, and Kirihara looked around, expecting something special in the place because of its fancy name, but to their disappointment, the only thing special that they saw were the blue flames coming out from the volcanoes and molten lavas due to the very intense heat. It was so intense that Kirihara shifted to his shadow form and Aoyama made a rocky barrier around him. Rin, meanwhile, didn't seem to have a hard time in the intense heat. "So, shall we go?" The Blue Fire asked as he transformed into his blue fire form.

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