Chapter 8: Confession

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After a disinteresting ride in a car, we arrived at our front gate.

My mom finally stopped crying as we got out of the police car. She sincerely smiled at Mitsumi and me after sighing in relief. My dad quickly unlocked the front gate and we all went inside.


"Mitsumi, the guest room is upstairs beside Hikari's room." My mom said, pointing at the stairs. "There's a change of clothes there in the drawer beside the bed, and you can use the washing machine and the dryer in the restroom upstairs if you want. You can't go to school with that dirty uniform."

Mitsumi nodded as her gaze landed on the staircase. I guess it had been a frightening night for her. It had been for me. Good thing she's taking it pretty well. I thought, looking at the clock hanging on the living room's wall.


It's late. I said to myself. I could see my dad continue watching the television. He grinned at himself as they show the criminal behind bars. At least he won't be causing any nuisance for now. The police couldn't understand what happened to the criminal but, catching the criminal was enough for them. And if I had told them that I was the one who defeated it, they'd have probably laughed it off.

"Um, Hikari, I'm really curious as to what happened with that irregular." My dad glanced at me from the side. "And what did you hit him with?" He gave me a serious face.

I averted my gaze from him as I looked around the house. One thing I cannot do is lie from my dad. I could deny it but I know that he's asking a really serious question here. Ahhh! What will I answer him?! I shouted in my mind. I looked at Mitsumi as I tried to make something up. Instead of not reacting, she quickly grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me towards her.

"Just tell them the truth," Mitsumi whispered. "Nothing will change, you know. And I think this is the right time. They would find it out sooner or later."

I looked at my dad. His serious look began to get all cheerful the moment Mitsumi pulled me. What Mitsumi said was right. I guess it's the sensible thing to do. I said to myself.

"Thanks, Mitsumi," I whispered back, steeling my resolve to come clean.

"Dad, is it okay if I tell you what really happened?" I asked him. Although I knew that it was a very nonsensical question.

My dad nodded.

Meanwhile, my mom joined my dad on the couch when she realized that I would be explaining everything. She warmly smiled at me. Meanwhile, Mitsumi held my hand, giving me all the encouragement I needed.

Don't hold my hand. I thought.

"Dad, mom, please don't get surprised." I tried to calm myself as I said those words.

This is exactly how I feel every time I needed to tell the truth. I could feel myself shaking as I beads of sweat trickled from my forehead. I tried to replay everything that happened in my mind.

The shadow manipulator. The irregular. Everything.

I went towards the wall where our clock was hanging and touched it. I saw my shadow and smiled at myself. Focus, just focus on my shadow. I thought.

Suddenly, my hand went straight through the wall! I didn't know what was happening at first. I stared at it for a few seconds.

So, this is what it looks like. I thought as I walked forward.

One moment my whole arm became a shadow, then the next moment, my foot became the same as I stepped towards the wall. I didn't dare look at my parents and Mitsumi since I might lose my concentration, but I could feel a feeling of disbelief from them because of their complete silence. Even I was surprised seeing myself doing it.

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