Chapter 24: Light Bringer

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I arrived home after a few seconds. Now that I think about it, that was my fastest glide in my whole life. I need to check if mom's alright, then I'll report to Master Ryu or go to the Blue Fire. But if mom's alright, I'll just go straight to the local hospital. I told myself as I knocked on the door.

"Mom! Are you inside, mom!" I called out from the outside. 

But no one's answering!

I shifted to my shadow form once again and entered our house through my room's window. I began surveying everything but found nothing out of the ordinary. 

But when I reached the kitchen, I suddenly saw that rice was being cooked on the stove and the heat has not been turned off. Something really bad must have happened since my mom never leaves the food while she's cooking it. 

Where could mom have gone? I need to go to the hospital right away! Maybe dad knows something about this. I told myself.

I turned the stove and the gas off to  avoid an unnecessary fire before I shifted to my shadow form. Fortunately, the hospital was just ten minutes walk away from our place. And gliding would only take a minute, more or less.

...seijaku wa...otozureta no wa...

Why is it that a lot of people are calling me? I thought even though only one has called me awhile ago. "Hello?"

"Hikari? Are you okay?!" 

It was Master Ryu!

"Master Ryu! I was about to call you!" I exclaimed as soon as I heard his voice. "Something happened. It's an emergency and I skipped school."

"Are you okay? No one fought with you or anything like that?" He anxiously asked.

"Um, I almost got ambushed by a shadow manipulator awhile ago in school, but I found him out and he went away after I discovered him." I answered.

"Kirihara?! Kirihara attacked you?!" Master Ryu exclaimed. "It's a good thing you're still alive. Anyway, come here to the hospital already. I'm just waiting at the lobby. I couldn't go to your dad's room since i'm not related to him or anything. You know what happened to your father right?" He asked.

"I understand Master Ryu!" I told him. "I'm on my way."

Without a moment to spare, I used my shadow form once again and headed towards the hospital. Master Ryu must have gotten the gist of the incident. It's a relief that he's in the hospital right now. At least my dad won't get into more accidents with Master Ryu around.

But I need to hurry! I The enemy must be making its move right now that Master Ryu is occupied. But who are they targeting? I asked myself.


A few hours ago...

It was already early in the morning when a mysterious guy began walking towards the intersection near the Hikari residence. Usually, at this time, no one would dare walk outside since it's very cold. 

However, even though this guy was just wearing a simple set of shirt and shorts, he endured it all, as he watched the movements inside the house using his binoculars.

I can't make any movements yet. Not until reinforcements come, that is. He told himself as he fished for a chewing gum in his pocket. For the meantime, I should just watch what all of them are up to.

Not long after talking to himself, a few people came out of the house: two students, and what seemed like an old man of one of them. He quickly pulled out from his hiding place and ran away as far as he could, so as not to be detected nor seen by the group.

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