Something New (CholexNathaniel)

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"Gah!" Chloe screamed. She ran through an alley afraid of whatever was after her. She couldn't see what 'it' was. She knew she was afraid though. She knew it wasn't good.

Whatever it was it seemed to hate her. How could anyone hate her though. She's the Mayor's daughter. She hadn't brought Beebee with her today because the kwami's had to go to Master Fu for the day. Something about Hawk Moth affecting their powers.

She ran and ran glancing every five seconds to see if 'it' was still there.

A menacing cackle came from the darkness, sending chills up her spine.

"Omph!" She ran into a wall and everything went black.


She awoke, hours later, to a wet towel on her forehead. The room was well lit and she was laid out on a small bed. A red blanket covered her from the neck down. Nathaniel, the red haired artist from her classroom, sat on a desk. His back turned to her. He seemed busy.

Chloe looked around unsure of where she was and why he was here with her.

The walls were covered in art of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Some were of the class in their akumatized forms. Marinette, Adrien and Ms. Bustiè were the only ones who were not in an akumatized form. Not like they have been akumatized anyways.

There were drawings of her as well. Well....Queen Bee anyways. She was drawn in beautifully. Her suit had so much detail like hours were spent on it. There was drawings of who could possibly be Queen Bee along with Ladybug, Chat Noir and Volpina. She turned to the nightstand. There was a small plate of food. It was rice, beans and fried chicken. Along with a cup of orange juice and potato chips on the side.

"I didn't know what you liked so I got you what I could find." She heard Nathaniel say. She turned to him. His back was still facing her. He was still working on something. "You don't have to eat it. I know people like you. Don't eat that."

"I've eaten chicken before." She said in a matter of factly. "I'm not a big fan of it but I do eat it when its necessary." She was now sitting up. He didn't turn. He just looked straight down into whatever he was working on.

It stayed quiet for a while. You could only hear his pencil scribbling down onto the paper and the fork against the plate as she ate in a quiet manner. She wouldn't admit it but the food was really good. The hotel's chef had never made a simple dish like this.

She felt like a pig for the way she was eating. Nathaniel smiled, glancing towards her, seeing she was enjoying the simple meal.

"Thank you." She said as she had finished eating. She gently placed the plate back onto the night stand and took a final drink from the juice.

"Your welcome." He put down whatever he was working and walked over to her. He took the plate and cup and began to make his way out of the room. "Try to get more rest. You hit your head pretty bad." Chloe watched him disappear out the door before it shut closed.

She didn't know why he was doing this for her. She barely knew him. She teased him about his drawings and about the time he had a crush on Marinette.

Nathaniel is the shy one of the classroom. He talked to no one, unless it was a group project.

He passed his classes on average grades because he spent a lot of his time on his drawings.

She would have fallen asleep if her curiosity hadn't gotten the best of her. She stood up and walked around the small bedroom. It was big enough for the 15 year old artist to spend his lonely time in.

Many drawings by him were all over the walls. Mainly about the famed 4 super heroes, Ladybug, Chat Noir, Collins and Queen Bee. There was a lot of Queen Bee to be exact. More than any other.

"Isn't she awesome?" She heard Nathaniel say. She was caught staring at a particular one. One were it was her and Nathaniel.

Nathaniel had been caught up in a couple of akumas before and Queen Bee was always the one to rescue him. She didn't know why she liked to rescue him. Chat Noir could of done it. But she always insisted on doing it herself. She had grown a soft spot for the young artist and she wasn't sure why.

"I...guess." She answered still looking at the drawing. "You know her?" She turned to him.

"Oh I wish." Nathaniel smiled brightly. She didn't know this side of him. He seemed like a fanboy of bee themed superheroine. "I've met her a couple of times. She's saved my life about a dozen more." He smiled taking one of the drawings of Queen Bee down and handed it to her. "This is the first drawing I did of her. Its a bit bad but she still looks good."

Chloe marveled looking at the drawing. There was so much and work and deviation towards the simple drawing. First drawing of her?

How could that be true? It was as if he had been drawing her for years. Her costume was wonderfully detailed and her mask his her civilian features. Her one ponytail was high up and was wonderfully realistic.

"Wow." Was all she said with shinning eyes. Nathaniel smiled at her. Seeing her eyes shinning as she looked over the drawing. It seemed as she was highly impressed with it. The look in her eyes reminded him of Queen Bee and him looked at each other the first time they had met. Like something had clicked in their hearts.

A small spark going through both of their bodies.

"Stay here." She had told him the after the long staring contest they had.

Ever since that day he had been drawing her. Wondering about her. What was she like in her civilian self. Who she was. What she liked. What didn't she like. He wanted to know who she was. Where she came from. Why did SHE save him and not Ladybug or Chat Noir. He wanted to know everything about her.

When he saw Chloe in danger a few hours ago, it reminded him of how he was in danger before and Queen Bee helped him. He couldn't just stand by and watch as Chloe was in danger. He held off the akumatized civilian until Chat Noir and Ladybug appeared and took Chloe back to his place. Queen Bee would be happy that he helped someone out right? She would like it.

And she did.

A few weeks after Chloe's 'visit' at his place, he was yet again involved in another akuma attack. Why he kept getting involved in them, he did not know. But he didn't mind them anymore. It gave him a good enough excuse to be rescued by the Queen Bee herself and see her over and over again. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek for helping out Chloe in the time of need. He blushed as he saw her swing away. He had grown deep feelings for her. She for him. Though he did not know.

He talked with Chloe more often now about Superheores and his drawings. People found it a strange that Chloe was actually nice to someone. That only ones who weren't were her super hero companions. Marinette, Adrien and Alya.

"Look who has a boyfriend now." Marinette teased Chloe. The four had decided to hang out for the day. Hoepfully no akumas would come this fine day.

"He is not my boyfriend." She crossed her arms as the three other heroes laughed.


"One day!" Alya yelled in agony. "We ask for one freaking day!" They chuckled and walked out of the ice cream parlor and went to transform to save the day.

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