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This book is being rewritten. All of the previous content is being deleted, however the chapters will not be deleted. I'm proud of the votes that I have gotten on this book, so that's why. This is the first chapter of the rewrite.


It was quite surprising to say the least. Batman had never allowed him to visit Mount Justice, aka the league's headquarters, considering he "wasn't ready" which undoubtedly irritated the eight year old boy. So why was he laying in a med lab, located in the mountain?

Robin awoke on a comfortable blue cot, silence filling the supplied room. There were other beds and many machines connected to them, and bright lights handing overhead. The room smelled like a hospital. That was unsurprising considering it was a med lab.

'Duh, Grayson.' The boy thought to himself, mentally face palming.

It was also obvious that he was in Mount Justice because of the jagged stone walls, and plus he had hacked the security from the Batcave. No big deal. He was only grounded for a few days, nothing he hadn't dealt with before.

Silently rising from the bed, he realized that he was still in his uniform. It was a bit large on him for some reason, and the mask on his face barely fit. As he stood, he found out that the cape was much too long, and he almost tripped over it. Robin's golden coloured utility belt hung loosely around his waist, and his gloves were too big for his tiny hands.

Accepting the fact that the gloves wouldn't stay on like most of his clothing, he casually took them off and threw them on the bed he previously woke up on.

Could this morning get any more odd? It could, actually. Robin would soon find out.

'I should find Bruce so he can explain this mess.'

He waddled towards the door, struggling to walk in the boots on his feet. There was so much space for his toes, that he could probably fit an entire plate of Alfred's cookies in them.

'Mm. Cookies.' He thought dreamily, thinking of the soft and warm cookies Alfred always makes.
'Ugh. No. Focus! Find Bruce, then eat cookies.' Robin reminded himself, regaining focus on the task at hand.
The door opened easily after he slid the door, revealing a long hallway, light at the end of it.

'I guess there is always light at the end of a tunnel.'

Robin trudged into the hallway, his shoes making a clamp sound when he took a step, and his long cape following behind. He could fix his outfit later, right now he needed to get to the light. That was probably where Bruce was, right?

Reaching the doorway, he cautiously stopped. Joker or Two-Face could be around the corner, or there could be a giant uranium bomb hooked to a tripwire, or aliens could've invaded the mountain... Robin took a silent intake of breath, and scouted the area by the enterance. No tripwire, no bomb, no crazy psychotic clown, no crazy psychotic man with a half messed up face, no alie- never mind, there was an alien!

She was green! And not only was there an alien, but there was a giant white wolf next to her. She was happily... Cooking? And the large fluffy wolf lay on the floor next to her. The wolf was scary, but he thought it was kind of cute. Robin took in a whiff of the air that smelt of maple syrup and pancakes. Why was the alien cooking pancakes?

Oh well. All he knew is that he wanted some too.

Unfortunately, his angle of view from the doorway only revealed the Martian- not the other six people located in the room. Needless to say that when Robin walked in nonchalantly, it was a bit awkward.

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