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                    Quartz's POV
                    ~Present day~

I jolted awake, thoughts racing in my head one by one."Some dream" I sighed in a sarcastic tone, 'not a dream, a memory more like'. My blurry vision soon adjusted to the dimm light of dawn, and my body to my soft, warm bed, that I would never get used too.

The 'tick tock' of the towers clock used to bother me, but after a while it became second nature, like breathing or a heartbeat.

I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom, it's been a while since I've had luxuries such as this. Bathrooms, beds, a roof over my head. I've never had these privileges.

It all seemed ...surreal to me.

After I finished brushing my teeth, I went back into my room, sitting on the bed brushing my smooth Raven locks, in deep thought I looked at the calendar, suddenly realizing the date.

'6 months huh' I thought to myself, drearily. 6 months I've been safe. 6 months that I've been out of that....that Place and away from tho...those People. 6 months since I was rescued by him, 6 months since I've been living with him, 6 months since I've met ....Him.

"You'd think that I would be used to ALL this after six months... Huh?", I questioned myself to no response.

I Chuckled awkwardly, "I really need to learn to stop talking to myself".

"Personally, I don't mind" a sauve calming voice snapped me back to reality. Startled, I turned around fast to the open doorway.

There he was, sipping on a coffee mug, a rare thing to see him without. Cane in hand.

"Good morning Quartz, I hope you slept well" he greeted me.

"It...It was fine , thank you"I returned to him

"You didn't...Hear me did you?" I asked him nervously, he raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled. "I mean, when I was talking to myself"

He laughed casually and began walking to my bed, standing near me. "Everyone has habits, it's nothing to be ashamed of" he told me with a look of general concern and attention.

"That... Doesn't really answer my question"

He laughed again , which only increased my growing embarrassment " I just wanted to see if you were doing alright, breakfast is in here, you can come eat whenever you'd like." He turned, walking towards the door.

I looked down at my feet, then back at him "I'll be in there in a few", I told him smiling.

He smirked "good" he said, head turned slightly to me," and Quartz" he added just as he was about to close my door", "yes...I heard you". He said with a smile, then shut the door gently.

'That man' I thought to myself puzzlingly.


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