The light

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                     Quartz's POV

Though I've only known Ozpin for a short time, we'd become pretty well acquainted, not the 'go off and have ditzy picnics acquainted', but the kind of relationship to where I trusted him, and felt safe , he'd given me clothing, food, and a roof over my head.

He always did his best to make me feel safe, and wanted, never making me feel uncomfortable or uneasy, letting me slowing get used to living here, never rushing me into things or trying persuade me into doing something I didn't feel like doing.

Ozpin is the only person I've ever known who really fit the description of a "parent", nurturing, helpful, and loving. Traits my own parents didn't exactly show....

The subject of attending beacon is really the only thing he felt Ozpin was, adamant, on persuading him to do.

He'd brought it up once before, when I was first brought to Beacon, how it'd be a good way to better understand my power's, in a "friendly and constructive learning environment".

But I knew better.

Every since I was a child, my power's have only served to do harm, going to Beacon would only result in someone getting hurt, or worse....

The summer breeze blew threw the grass , creating an almost lively sense to the weather, the heat and humidity of mid summer were still in full effect, along with the buzzing and ticking of the grassland creature's, almost rhythmically.

The sun's unforgiving rays were shielded from by the trees green spades of leaves, creating a perfect day to play outside.

Sitting on the edge of the woodlands, was a raven haired boy, with red scarlet cheeks, and pale icy skin, fidgeting with the colorful flora below, so delicately.

"Wow, aren't you pretty, I think I wanna bring one of you back to my mommy" the boy picked out a few flowers, trailing further and further down the woodlands edge.

"Quartz! Be careful!, Stay where we can see you." The boy's mother , hair pinned and sun kissed, had been tending to the gardens.

"Yeah!, Stay close to the house, you wouldn't wanna get lost!" His father added , walking down the steps, holding a dust rifle.

"Don't worry mommy I'll be careful", the boy countered.

The boy went back to his task, picking flowers , one by one by one, until the trail of flora ceased. Right at the forest's edge

"Awww, I need more, I wanted to make mommy a bouquet" the boy whined, scanning the the forest ahead for any flower's.

And in an instant, his heart stopped, as a glowing red eyes appeared from the forest, setting of a dark aura that seemed to silence everything else, right in front of him emerged, a Grimm.

All he could do was stars, as he was frozen, petrified with fear, his heart felt like it stopped, no longer was it thumping with a childlike energy and spirit, it was slow, he felt fear rise up on every inch of his body, and tears well up in his eyes

The monster groveled forward, up close the boy could see, just how mangled it was, bones protruding from every angle, fur like cloth stained with ink, claws like knifes, on each of its four legs, the glow of its eyes seemed to drag, illuminating the otherwise dim forest.

It let loose a low snarl , they boy fell to his knees, in complete shock.

"Quartz!" His mother had dropped all her gardening tools, now running toward the edge, his father followed close behind, loading the dust rifle in hand.

Born from Dust (RWBY)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant