On my mind

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                       Ozpin POV

Walking out of quartz's room I realized I still had alot of reports to go through, today being the day new students arrived at beacon.

I sat in my chair and picked up the rather large stack of papers on my desk."oh, joy, paperwork".

As I worked my mind began to wonder, I couldn't help but think about the events that occurred last night. Mrs. Rose.

I wonder how Mrs. Rose will adjust here, jumping ahead 2 years must be hard for a girl her age, but I have faith in her if she's anything like her mother.

Though I already have my work cut out for me with young quartz.

Qrow had told me many months prior that the enemy was making a weapon, a weapon that's power could cause destruction unlike any other,

And we would all soon be shocked to discover that this weapon of great power was not a sword, an army, or a relic...it was just a boy.

                 ~6 months earlier~

"I have it oz" qrow's tipsy voice relayed to the scroll , he sounded just as drunk over the scroll as he would in person, typical for him.

"And might you tell me what exactly it is" I asked curiously.

"We have been trying to find this 'weapon' for weeks it's about time we Know what it is, if the enemy is so invested in It​, it must be quite powerful."

Qrow was sent on a mission to retrieve it from what was beileved to be it's location, a small White fang base in downtown Vale.

He had told me months before that the White fang may be involved with the enemy, but I was skeptical, they've always kept to their selves, but if they have the weapon that pretty much confirmed it.

He had said there were a few guards to take care of, but knowing Qrow they shouldn't be a problem.

There was a short silence on the phone before Qrow finally spoke"Oz...Oz there's a bit of a problem"

"What is it?" I asked puzzled, scrunching my brows.

"It's.... It's a boy" Qrow answered, clearly as bewildered as I was.

"What was" I questioned him confused.

"The weapon, Oz"

"Bring him here right away" I ordered

Qrow had brought the boy here unconscious, he looked as if he was in his teens.Small but lean with cuts and bruises covering his limbs, his skin was a pale ghostly white and his hair was a deep Raven black.

"I found him in the base, he was in chains and I had to cut through dozens of guards to free him. They were very keen on keeping him to their selves."

"Do you Know his name?" I questioned qrow ,scanning the boy  thoroughly.

"Nope" qrow answered shortly , taking a quick swig of his flask.

"But whoever he is he must be pretty important for them to put so much effort into keeping him under raps."

I walked over to where the boy was resting, he didn't appear to be suffering any major injuries, aside from the minor wounds covering his skin.

He almost looked as if he was peaceful, his shallow breaths mirrored the rise and fall of his chest, he almost looked innocent, but I knew I would need to question him as soon as he awoke.

"Do you have any idea what they would want with him?" Qrow questioned , eyebrows scrunched.

In all honesty ....I really wasn't sure, He couldn't have been a maiden, hence the "he", he didn't look like any Hunter or Huntress I've ever seen. My mind continued to search for variables until I was brought back from thought by qrow's voice.


"To be completely honest, I'm not to sure, he doesn't look threatening at all and he couldn't be a maiden, but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover." I explained , covering the boy with a blanket.

"But regardless, great work, I was beginning to worry that I was putting to much work onto your plate" I joked smirking.

"Oh its fine, you know me, can't get enough of work" qrow snapped back sarcastically closing his flask.

"Any news on Amber's condition?" Qrow asked leaning in.

"Not yet, I'm sorry" I tried to answer softly.

"Well I'll be off then" qrow explained walking towards the towers elevator. "Ill be working on that second mission you assigned to me, but if you need my help..Just call." Qrow smiled, standing in the elevator.

"I will"

"Good" Qrow finished, as the elevator doors shut slowly.

I sighed looking back to the boy on the couch, "well I certainly have my work cut out for me".

                   ~ Present day ~

Quite footsteps could be heard entering the room as quartz walked in, His messy locks arranged in curls and tuffs, there were still traces of sleep on his face apparent through the dark circles and red eyes.

He yawned softly, and sat down in front of me as I went through paperwork, there was a bowl of pumpkin Pete's cereal there for him, he'd been eating that for breakfast almost every day now I asked him if he'd prefer something else but he said it was fine, he never complained much.

He never really talked much while he ate either, and if he did it was always short sentences or one word responses, I would try to start small banter's but he never seemed to interested in anything (quite expected given what he has been through)

But even so he was always polite and generous, sometimes rather skittish to be honest.

But today I need something more than a banter, I needed an answer

"Quartz?" I broke the silence, a bit louder than my usual time.

"Yes?" He said back hesitantly after he finished a bit of cereal, his cheeks got a bit red, I guess I could've addressed him more subtlety, my bad.

"I have to ask you something"

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