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"Have you thought about attending my school, the last time I brought this up to you your answer was a bit.... vague" I asked, putting my mug down.

And I had, not long after he started staying here I had asked if he'd like to attend beacon, given his type of power he shouldn't have to worry about not attending a combat school prior.

And he had seemed to have a decent amount of control over his powers, granted I haven't seen them in action more than once.

"Well... I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I'm not sure I'm 'huntsman' material, it's just... I don't want to hurt anyone." He hesitantly spoke, showing genuine concern.

Quartz had a strange habit of looking at his feet when embarrassed or shy, so I could generally always tell when he felt uncomfortable.

"Are you sure? seemed to have a pretty good handle on your powers from what I've seen, I highly doubt you'd cause anyone harm." I pleaded with him , smirking slightly.

"I appreciate that...but trust me, my power does more harm than good, that's the way it's always been." He replied , seeming a bit dejected.

I understand how he must feel, having a power inside him that he doesn't fully understand, or know how to control, I understand that feeling all too well.

                ~ 6 months earlier ~

The young boy on the couch thrashed away ripping the blanket off of him, he lifted his head up looking confused and his eyes darted from corner to corner Trying to make out his surroundings.

"Who are you!?" He asked frantically, "Where am I?!?" He asked again.

"Easy, Easy my name is ozp-" I tried to explain but was cut off as he rushed himself of the couch and onto his feet, though he quickly stumbled to the ground.

"Are you alright?!" I asked as I tried to help the boy up.

"Don't touch me!" He yelled smacking my arm off.

He sat on the floor, shook, he was breathing frantically and trembling with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Hey it's alright" I crouched down to him "My name is Ozpin, I'm the headmaster of beacon academy, And a huntsman, your completely safe while you're here, there is nothing to be afraid of." I attempted to ease him.

He soon calmed down to the situation, but was still on edge, "where am I?" He questioned looking down.

"Beacon academy" I replied offering my hand to him, he took it hesitantly and I helped him up slowly.

"Like....the school for huntsman?" He asked softly.


"And you're the Headmaster?!" He asked , sounding a bit more joyful and childlike.

"Yes indeed" I answered again chuckling.

He seemed to be pretty fond of my status, but that again raised my question, who is this kid, and why is he a "weapon"?

"So young man, do you have a name?" I asked directly

"Quartz" he answered.

"No I'm sure you realize I have more than a few questions for you" I explained picking up the blanket you threw earlier, and placing it on the couch.

I walked over to my desk and sat, grabbing my mug, "So quartz, would you like to have a seat?"

"y...yes that'd be nice" he stuttered, sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

"I sent a close friend of mine on a mission, it was to find the so called 'weapon' our enemy was rumoured to be harbouring, but all my friend found whilst investigating their hideout ...was you."

"Not to be rude, but may you shed some light on this situation for me?"

He paused , looking down at his feet, trembling, "hey , don't be nervous, it'll be fine, I'd just like the truth" I explained.

He looked up to me , he appeared as if he was going to say something, but bit his lip , remaining silent.

"Well" I sighed "it's completely fine, you were just rescued from a group of terrorists, I'd understand if you need a bit, I'll prepare somewhere for you to sle-".

"It's me" he cut me off suddenly.

"The.. The weapon, it's me" he confessed.

I was Extremely confused, what did he mean?, He didn't look like any gun or sword I've ever seen, and he couldn't have been a maiden, well...he doesn't look like a female to me.

"Or more semblance​" he stood up , removing the jacket he was wearing.

"Umm what're you doing?" I asked , at a loss as to what was happening.

"Just ....just watch" seemingly embarrassed.

He closed his eyes, feet wide apart, arms pointed to the floor, hands relaxed in an almost majestic form, his whole body relaxed in a stance, soon a white Aurora like light glowed upon him, his Aura, it flashed for a second then faded, and he began clenching his fists . He opened his eyes which now had a red , almost neon illuminessence to them. Bright multi colored crystals started growing up from the floor, red, yellow, blue, white, orange, green, there was an assortment of them.

"It's dust.... you are creating dust!"

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