The halls of Beacon

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Quartz's POV

"So like, where should I get started?" I was standing behind Ozpin as he was working at his desk, ever so diligently, Fingers tracing and tapping on the projected screen.

He stopped for a moment to turn his head to my view  " Well as you are aware, students are arriving here today, from all corners of the kingdom, and even from other kingdoms themselves, you still have plenty of time to get settled."

"Fair enough, but as far as applying, don't I actually have to be a huntsman in training? I have never attended any of the other primary combat schools like signal, how will I even get in?" I asked him, propping myself on his desk .

He paused for a second, setting away his holo screen "While attending a primary school is usually the norm for young students attending Beacon, it isn't always the case, often times you'll find some students haven't gained their combat experience from combat schools, and instead from real life experience, often behind the realms and safeguards of the kingdoms." He explained, walking slowly to the coffee machine to fill his mug.

"So if a student has the necessary skills in order to combat the creature's of Grimm, they're welcome at my school" Ozpin turned, stirring his coffee mug, and sitting back down into his chair. "And you're no stranger  to combat with these creature's, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about." He added.

"Well alright then" I answered finally, feeling surprisingly anxious. " Where do I apply?"

Ozpin smiled at this, a rather devious smile, and laughed "Well Quartz being the headmaster of Beacon has its perks, I need not always follow the rules of the rest of the staff, because I have the power to make the rules." He paused tapping his desk making the holoscreen appear, the image was a picture of me, all the necessary information filled out, ' Ozpin you never fail me' I smiled at his little showing of rebelliousness. "- and when necessary, I can also break them."

He sat up finally, I did the same, he put a assuring hand on my shoulder, "There will be an opening ceremony held by me and Ms. Goodwitch , in the Amphitheatre, you should attend, I will be giving our new students an introduction to their study's here at Beacon. It would also be a good opportunity to converse with your fellow students, perhaps make some friends" he suggested, his eyes widened , seeming hopeful and optimistic.

'friends' I thought, shrinking at the term, I have never been good at making those, speaking to someone usually filled me with dread and anxiety, Ozpin was really the only person I could talk to without sounding like a nervous wreck.

What would I even have in common with anyone else anyway, it's not as though many people shared my life experiences, 'Oh you were sold off to terrorist's by your parent too?' 'how nice!'.

"If you say so" , I answered, standing up.

"It's best you get going, I'll explain things as you go on, I hope to see you there"  He said Optimistically, more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah,....well I better get going", I turned walking to the elevator, but stopped halfway, and ran back grasping my arms around Ozpin tightly, he was surprised, but quickly returned the grip.

"Thank you, for everything" I scruffed, warm against his embrace.

"No, thank you, this will be a very exciting new journey, and I'm very excited to see how it will unfold for you" he admitted, ruffling my hair. " I'll see you tonight"

"Yeah, see ya!", I finished entering the elevator, I pressed bottom floor, it closed leaving me to myself.

"Well then" I told myself " Let's see how this goes."


Beacon seemed like the kind of place someone could get lost in, which was mostly true, but being there many month's I felt I had a pretty good understanding where everything was.

The halls, the library, the theatre, Ozpin showed them to me all within my first few days at Beacon.

The halls seemed different, more lively, new students filled every inch of beacon, talking, laughing, conversing friends.

The looks I got walking through the hall filled me with tension, they weren't rude or glaring at me, but still I felt more and more anxious, just trying to keep my eyes forward to my destination.

I neared an empty hallway 'finally' I signed.

Except it wasn't empty , a jet haired young girl walked chipperly down the hallway, looking confused, eyes darting from door to door, as if she was looking for something.

Her eyes hit me, and a bright smile appeared on her face, she waved her hand from across the hall , eyes bright.

'oh no' 'please don't talk to me'

"Um hello sir!" She said nervously


Not knowing what to say, I just kept walking , and stared awkwardly. Heart thumping with an insane speed.

As I passed her her hand dropped slowly.

"Oh... bye then " she said softly

I passed the hall and my heartbeat returned to normal, ' god why am I like this, she's gonna think I'm rude'.

"How am I gonna get past initiation if I can't even talk to people", I sighed eyes looking down .

'Finally I'm here' I began to get site of the Amphitheatre, students rushing into the entrance, carrying all kinds of dust weapons and tools.

I awkwardly shuffled my way into the large crowd of students, standing behind them, 'I hope I'm not supposed to be doing something here, should I just stand here, I hope this will be fine'.

There were dozens of students in the room, each stood out in their own way, everything's diverse, different colors, different weapons, .. even different species, as I happened to spot a few Faunus.

But there were 2 students who stood out especially among everyone else, a petite young girl, with short red tipped hair, and a slender girl with hair as white as snow, who looked quite angry, 'were they ... arguing?'.

My attention quickly shifted as I heard the tapping of a microphone, turning my head I caught sight of Ozpin at the microphone, Ms. Goodwitch close behind him.

The chatter in the room ceased, as he began.

"-Ahem... I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, To hone your craft and acquire new skills, And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction, You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge will only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

With his speech finished, he walked quietly off the stage, Glynda took his place at the mic, "You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready." She added, rather harsh, but then again, it was Glynda, that woman was always harsh.

With the instructions given, kids begin talking again, some boys joking how they can't wait for the "sleepover with the babes."


As the students dispersed , I saw the girl from before, the one in the hallway, walking towards the ballroom.

I passed a sigh of relief , ' I'm glad she got where she was going, oh god, she probably hates me now , I ignored her, well..what's done is done I guess'.

So this is life at Beacon, pretty nerve racking, I've nearly had an anxiety attack and it's only been an hour.

Thing's could be worse though, I finally have an idea of what my future will be like, ..hell, I even have a future now.

All the fear, doubt, and anxiety seemed to leave my body. For the first time in a long time, I felt like sure, I felt excited, and most importantly, I felt happy.

All thanks to Ozpin.

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