Initiation part 1

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                  Quartz's POV

"So initiation tomorrow huh?" I asked Ozpin, attempting to make some small talk as I rummaged through my clothes, gathering clothes that I'd soon need, since I'd be moving in with a team. Ozpin had said.

Earlier I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown when I learned of all the class materials I'd need, but luckily Ozpin assured me he'd take care of that.

He also explained to me the concept of teams, and the dormitory a team would be staying in, basically everything a student would need to know.

'assuming I survived initiation' I thought to myself with doubt.

"Indeed, are you nervous?" He questioned, entering the doorway.

"Sort of", I answered, unsure, folding a pair of black jeans. My head held down.

"Sort of?"

" be honest, I'm pretty excited", I explained further. His mouth crept into a smile "Well that's certainly a relief." He'd said, walking towards the bed.

The bed adjusted, shifting its weight, as he sat down beside me, so close I could see the details of his face, while your average teacher wasn't usually anything to look at, Ozpin kept himself relatively groomed and imposing, I suppose I've never given it thought, his face was matured yet wrinkleless, smooth shaved skin, amber eyes, and pale silver hair. He smelled of sandalwood. 'hmm didn't know the headmaster of Beacon shopped at bed, dust, and beyond.'

"Its perfectly normal to be nervous" he said soothing " I'd be more worried If you weren't nervous ."

"Yeah....I just hope I don't blow it, I can't even talk to people without freaking out in a nervous wreck, How am I supposed to beat Monsters If I can't even do that?" I rambled, hands stressing along my scalp.

"You've been through a lot, it makes sense that you'd have a bit more trouble communicating and making friends, you just have to take it step by step, no one is asking you to become a social butterfly overnight, I have to admit, even I use to have trouble making friends, ... I was a tad awkward, to say the least.."

I chuckled at that, 'yeah right, Ozpin always knew what to say, and how to say it, he didn't studder on his words or forget stuff like I did, and he was excellent with people, how could he have been awkward?'

"..but eventually I learned that sometimes it's best to...well, just wing it, stop thinking and start doing, overthinking things can be ones downfall, it causes us to worry more about what could happen , and what could go wrong, and hey, if something does go wrong , it's ok, it's ok to make mistakes, as long as we learn from them, so stop thinking, and start doing."

I smiled, 'stop thinking , start doing', He put a comforting hand on my shoulder "It may be best for you to get some sleep" he breathed, sitting up "you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow." he smiled.

I returned the smile, "Yeah, well goodnight, and thanks for the talk" I  grabbed my pajamas, a grey shirt and some black, my general nighttime wardrobe.

"Goodnight" He said, walking to the door delicately placing his fingers on the knob, it was nearly shut before he cracked it open once more, "Oh and the new students will be meeting by the cliff in the morning, don't be late." He called out across the room.

"Right, thank you" I smiled setting my sheets on the bed.

He let fourth a pleased smile before quietly closing the door, leaving me to myself.

I finished setting down the sheets of my bed, and sat near the foot of my bed, looking at the disarray of jeans, shirts, jackets, and shoes laying scattered on the queen sized bed.

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