The Transfer Student

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3 years later...

The running water fell from his head and across his body. The sound of the water made Sunggyu felt in ease for a bit. After his parent's death and his twin's disappearence, he got the same nightmare of that night's memory almost every day. His personality changed into an extent of 180 degree - from a mischevious and happy boy to a depressed and grumpy person. It got worse when he started his high school life. He never engaged any contact with his new schoolmate and never once tried befriending them. His childhood friend, Jang Dongwoo who entered a private school for arts had to transfer to his school after an incident where Sunggyu provoked some bullies to fight him. Dongwoo was totally shocked as he found out about Sunggyu's change of behaviour.

Since then, he went to his house everyday and stay there until Sunggyu slept. It didn't bothered him much because they were only two houses away. Even Dongwoo's parents encouraged him to do that.

The reason why he became like that was because his parent's killer cannot be identified by the police as the killing weapon was missing. He was totally frustrated about it. Since now they were in their last year of high school, he was determined to find his twin and the killer in any way possible. The trauma of seeing his parent's corpse were still haunting him till the present.

As Sunggyu had finished dressed up in his school uniform, he went downstairs to find that Dongwoo was preparing them breakfast while two figures were sitting on the dining table. They were Kim Myungsoo, his younger cousin and his best friend, Lee Sungyeol. Those two rarely visit him except when that happened.

"Ah, hyung! Good thing you've woken up! C'mon... Let's eat," Dongwoo arranged the table nicely.

Sunggyu went to take his place at the dining table which face those two. Judging from how Myungsoo fiddled at his school uniform and Sungyeol who crossed his arms, he felt something bad but not too serious happened between those two.

"What happened to you two?" he asked in a monotone.

"Hyung! Can you help me 'see' what happened yesterday? I want to prove my innocence to Sungyeol that I didn't steal his present for his dongsaeng," Myungsoo begged.

Sunggyu scrutched his brows. He was a bit shocked that their fight this time became this big although it was just for something like that. "Fine."

He moved to Myungsoo's back and placed his hands on his head. There's one secret that the four of them knew : Sunggyu had an ability called psychometry. His ability helped him to track down the past of someone or something he touches.

[Myungsoo left the class as soon as the bell rings. He went to the cafeteria and eat there until the bell rang which indicated that the recess ends. When he stepped back into the class, he saw Sungyeol was frantically searching something in his bag. When Sungyeol saw Myungsoo, he accused him of taking something from the bag as they sit next to each other. Then, they fought.]

He slowly let go of his hands and sighed. How can they be fighting like some child? Then, he returned to his seat.

"So, hyung? Did Myungsoo or L stole my things?" Sungyeol finally opened up his mouth. L is Myungsoo's other personality. Myungsoo suffered a double personality disorder since the start of his middle school life. Originally, Myungsoo is a naive and innocent boy while L is the chic, a bit evil and rebellious type.

To answer Sungyeol's question, Sunggyu just shocked his head which meant no. Myungsoo stood up and did a little celebration for himself. Sungyeol groaned. "Then, who stole it?" he asked again. Sunggyu stared at him with a poker face while munching the breakfast made by Dongwoo. After a few seconds, he just shrugged. Sungyeol became more frustrated with Sunggyu's answer.

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