Hints to the Trick

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Woohyun was deep in thought in his room. The statement that Sunggyu gave back then made him realised something about the victim.


"Well... Actually, I'm the last person to see her alive."

A moment of silence came through for a second before Dongwoo once again panicked with the statement that the elder gave away.

"What!? Hyung! Seriously? Why didn't you tell us earlier?" Dongwoo grabbed hold of the older's shoulder.

A sudden outburst of worries suddenly overwhelmed Sunggyu. His head was bombarded with Dongwoo's affections towards him to the extent that it was a bit suffocating.

"D-Dongwoo-ah... I... can't... breathe..." he was struggling to take a lungful of air as though he was drowning.

The younger quickly let go of his hold of Sunggyu. He forgot that the elder's ability had not yet returned to normal.

"Sorry, hyung... I did it again, huh?" he guiltily clenched his fist on his bag. Sunggyu let out a few fits of coughing while patting his gloved hands on the dino's shoulder as a sign that it's okay.

Woohyun who saw the weird 'drama' can't help wondering about the hamster hyung's actions - the gloves and the seemingly drowning act. But, he decided that all of that can wait later as he needed to focus on the case.

"How does she looked like that time?" he straightforwardly asked Sunggyu without that sweet tune of his voice, which meant that he's dead serious.

As soon as his coughing finally calmed down, he faced the greasy boy only to be shocked with the expression that the boy gave - a determination look that he never imagined will appear on that boy's handsome features who he knows as the one who liked to give away cheezy lines a few hours ago during the introducing-yourself part.

"I only got to see her face a few seconds as we were just passing by each other on the stairs that headed towards the rooftop. She looked scared and maybe a hint of anger if I'm not mistaken," Sunggyu kept his poker face while explaining it to Woohyun.

*End of flashback*

The young detective grabbed his smartphone and did a speed dial of his best friend, Key. After two ringings, the line was picked up.

"My Hyun~"

"My Bum~"

"Hahaha... Nice hearing that you're still hyped up. How's your new school? I heard from Detective Choi that there's a case going on there. You're okay with it?" Key asked worriedly. Woohyun smiled half-heartedly when hearing the other's concern about him. Usually, they'll brainstorm together when there are cases like these.

"I'm okay. Well, I'm a bit lost 'cause I don't know anyone besides these two amazing hyungs but I've to solve this case by tomorrow," he replied back his best friend's question.

"That's my pal. Anyway, anything that I can help searching?"

"Can you give me a background of the victim, Park Hana and-" he thought about Sunggyu's painful looks and was tempted to find out his past but he soon decided to approach him in order for the other to open up his own past to him willingly.

"Hello? Hyunnie? Got something stuck in your throat?" Key teased his sudden silence.

"Huh? Er... nothing... Just help me with the victim's info, okay? I think it is lights out for me today."

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