2. It reminded me of you

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2. It reminded me of you.


Mike had to go shopping with his sister Nancy. Some stupid reason because of Nancy needing some stupid clothes at her 2nd year of college, her second year away from home.

He saw a floral pale pink dress (the ones El loves) with a white Peter Pan collar (also what El loves). And he smiled, remembering when she walked out of Nancy's bedroom in Nancy's old dress back in 1983. During that one week, he fell completely head over heels for her.

"Nancy?" He always did get Nancy's opinion when getting something for El - his girlfriend since he was 13¾. And he's treasured every moment with the Telekinetic teenager.

Nancy looked over at Mike and smiled as he held out a dress that even reminded Nancy of the dress that she loved to wear so much when she was little.

"Yeah, it'll suit El," Nancy smiled and gave Mike 16 dollars, for him to go buy the dress. She didn't care if that meant she was a little low for her own clothes - but seeing the happy smile on Mike's face from the product of El's smile. Their mom, Karen, didn't understand how much El actually meant to Mike. He was a mess without her.

Mike smiled and walked to the cashier and paid for El's dress.


Mike was sat in the basement, flicking through one of his old comic books and El playing one of Mike's old video games on his Atari. Whenever Mike looked up, he could see Pac-Man running across the screen being followed by 4 ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde.

Nancy's head popped through the door and looked at Mike.

'You gonna give her the dress?' Nancy mouthed to Mike. He nodded and reached down the side of the basement sofa - lucky that Holly nor El had found it.

"El?" He asked, making her look away from his Atari, now that Inky had caught Pac-Man, and look at her boyfriend. She smiled as soon as she saw his face, he held out the dress towards her and her already bright smile brightened even further,

"Mike," she gasped and gently took the dress away from him and held the dress to her - seeing that it the perfect size for her.

"It reminded me of you," Mike said, and El smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Mike," El smiled at him and a kiss was placed on his cheek.

"You're welcome," he said, kissing her cheek in return and watched as she stood up to go put her new dress on.

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