44. I'll drive you to the hospital

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44. I'll drive you to the hospital.


Mike hung up the phone and stood in the kitchen, staring at the wall. Letting the information his mom gave to him, roll over him.

"So it's either Chinese or pizza, there's no chance I'm cooking-" A pregnant El waddled into the kitchen and saw her husband. "-tonight? Mike?" She waddled carefully to him and placed a loving hand on his upper arm.

"My father's in the hospital, they don't know if he's going to make it through the night," Mike said, even though he didn't have a good relationship with his father, Ted Wheeler was still one of the pair that created him.

"Mike," El quietly said, bringing her husband into her arms as close as she could with her expanding stomach. "I'll drive you to the hospital," El said, feeling Mike's tears hit her shoulder.

"Wait, what about the kids?" Mike asked, looking over El's shoulder into the living room where their children where watching old video tapes of 80s kids shows: Danger Mouse, Inspector Gadget and Rainbow. 

"Roman can look after them," El said, then saw the slightly worried look on his face. "She looked after me when I was a baby," El said, she remembers (even from being a baby) a happy and smiling woman singing a lullaby cradling baby El to herself, it's one of the only sweet memory she has from the lab...

Mike only frowns and it breaks his heart - still hearing about what the Bad Men did to El in her first 12 years of life.


El pulls into the car park, and as Mike gets out, she unbuckles herself and Mike walks around the car to help his wife out of the car.

When they get inside the hospital, El's hand tightly in his because even to this day, hospitals still scare her. "Ted Wheeler?" Mike asked, resting his hand on his wife's back, knowing her back is going to be aching.

With the directions to Ted's hospital room, they went to go see Mike's father.

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