6. Have a great day at work

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6. Have a great day at work


Mike was taking the Eggos out of the toaster, waiting for his wife to walk down the stairs. He's so proud of her, finally becoming a speech therapist. He knew that she thought he was the reason why she became a speech therapist - how much he helped her with her speech when they were teenagers.

He smiled as she walked down the stairs, in a white blouse, a cropped light pink blazer, a pair of black trousers and black heels in her hand.

"Morning, baby." He smiled and handed her her lunch in a brown paper bag - like when they were at school and a Ziplock bag with some Eggos in it.

"Morning," Jane 'El' Wheeler said, taking the brown bag and pulling it into her satchel and then taking the Ziplock bag, opened it and started munching on an Eggo.

Mike smiled at his wife, as she eats her Eggo happily.

"I probably should go to work." His wife said, wrapping her arms around Mike's torso and resting her head where his heart should be, hearing it's thumping in her ear.

Mike pressed a kiss to the top of her head and let her go to work.

"Have a great day," Mike said, hearing her house and car keys jangle.

"Zip it, Mike!" She exclaimed, she still had a smile on her face -  she would never ever be able to get mad at Mike.


El walked in the door of their apartment, her arms stacked with folders and documents. To the point where she was almost falling over from the sheer quantity.

"Oh my god, El! How many files did you bring home?" Mike asks, taking more than half from the pile that she already has.

"I honestly don't know," she said, looking at Mike as they put the files on the coffee table. She leaned her head back and rested it against Mike's collarbone.

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