63. Cross my heart and hope to die

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63. Cross my heart and hope to die.


El lay heavily breathing, her back pressed a tree. Her kind of, maybe, possibly boyfriend, Mike Wheeler, on her right - his head on her shoulder, his heart thundering in his chest. Her somewhat adoptive brother, Will Byers, panting on her left.

El could feel blood escaping her nose and her ears, feeling herself slowly becoming weak. Her eyes falling heavy.

Mike looked at the girl at his side, and saw her slowly falling asleep - but thought that she was slowly dying, seeing how much blood she was losing.

"El?" Mike mutters, not wanting to alert the Tesslahydra - 'the giant tree monster' as Dustin called it. "El?"

"Hmm?" She slowly opens her eyes and smiles weakly at her favourite boy on the planet.

"Don't die on me, please," Mike said, wiping away the blood leaving her. "Promise?" Mike asked.

"Promise," El replies, sweetly. "Cross my heart and hope to die," El said the quote she quickly learnt off Dustin.

"El don't say," A tear streaked Mike's cheek.

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