54. I made reservations

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54. I made reservations.


Mike and El walked into the most expensive restaurant in their hometown, Hawkins. Mike thanked his mom excessively for helping him get this.

"Reservation name?" The person behind the stand asked.

"Wheeler," Mike said, the person behind the stand looked confused.

"This say Karen Wheeler made the reservation," Mike looked confused, he knew he'd got his mom to help him.

"So, I'm her son," Mike said, and El's grip on his hand tightened.

"I'm sorry, I can't give you the table," the person said. Mike's face crumbled, tonight he was gonna propose to El.

"Ok," Mike said, El's grip on her boyfriend's hand tightened, as they walked out of the restaurant.


"Mike," El said, with her fingers intertwined with his. She looked over the console at him, Mike's face was upset.

"Yeah," He said, a tear leaking out of his. He wanted tonight to be perfect. And he's messed it up.

"It's ok," El said, tightening her grip on his fingers.

"I made reservations," Mike said, looking down into his lap.

"I know you did," El said, smiling at him. "But, we could go to Benny's, our usual restaurant?" El then suggested.

Mike smiled, he really did want to go to the posh restaurant that his mom suggested that he propose to El in. But the idea of proposing to El in their usual restaurant just made him smile more.

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