Chapter 9: Ashes of the Forgotten

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Holding their breath with all the might possible to muster they quaked and watched the red glow of the clouded dark mutt sniff past the blood covered ashes

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Holding their breath with all the might possible to muster they quaked and watched the red glow of the clouded dark mutt sniff past the blood covered ashes.

Yet, despite there intense distance, the blood added with the ever covering smoke seemed to delay the hound's ability to spot the group, it and its carrier taking just one step forward. Then the true essence of madness was sprung free. For while the majority of them managed to hold the pressure which constantly grew in their hearts, a flash of chaotic terror was released from Feinrock pounced from the dark corner, his blade risen and set at the head of the darkened elf.

"Fei--" Jobleir began to shout a cry of loss when the strong grasp of Orglien slammed over his mouth, their eyes now looking upon the harsh reaction of the two creatures--the dark hound leaping with instinctive and lightning quick reaction as its dim sharp teeth were thrusted into the neck of Feinrock. The sheer power of its yank ended all expression on the bodies face and his sword tumbling to the mud to disappear in its damp red and the man now motionless in reaction as it tore him limb from limb.

"No!" Jobleir ripped himself from Orglien's arms, blade slashing to the other beast before it could leap to them, it head flying away to the darkness. Luckily the clouded dog seemed intent on his feast as they dashed further in the town, Kelnmock noticing its jaws now clenched tightly around Feinrock's face and eyes focused down at the bodies blood.

"Kelnmock!" Orglien shouted with slight anger to his absence of attention, him turning to find another creature leaping to himself, a blade smashing its bones down just in time and Orglien's face breathing heavily. "Come one, we need to move" he added with them all once again dashing down the dark road.

Unfortunately, with most of the buildings burt crisps, their rush to the open air caused nearly every monster to charge in their path. And although their skill met no match to that of Kyplore's bow and the other's blades, the constant onslaughter was beginning to grow overpowering--their strength fading.

"This damn smoke is making hard to see..." Jobleir was holding back tears, swinging about his sword with relative ease upon each wave, (their position now trapped from movement and cornered by a massive stone structure which managed to survive the heat).

"Well-" Lician took a deep breath before launching a flaming ball of death toward the farther out hordes of those approaching, "If you have any ideas--" He was about to continue when a massive hurtle of wind was spewed over the flames: all light of fire now darkness, the night sky covered by rain of thick black smoke.

Then, the terror echoing scream rushed down the street with yet another chaotic tunnel of wind, this dead frozen at the touch and all's breath now visible as a vapor cloud struggling to crawl from their lips. Though, while each stood helplessly, they found their ears pin pointing the rushed clanking of the monster's retreat, this added with a faint crackle and hiss of frost which now began to flood over the soil and ashes, even their clothes appearing motionless despite the air's still present chilled sigh.

Still, this was not the madness's end, for just as one of their tongues was to speak, another, this more horrid than the last, screech punctured the air--the pitch of which sent the most undescribable shiver down each individuals spine: a feel of a needle similar to its soft touch as it then proceeded to scrap down their flesh. This not only gained in gap but appeared to Kelnmock to rush past his face. The source impossible to spot, for the air was lifted of any light that would linger.

"Wh...wh... What the he...hell is that?" The quivering whisper had arisen, unfortunately drowned out by the chokes and squirms of bodies that were revealed only by sound to be speed at their feet.

"Falbren!" Lician's elvish tongue took no more time to delay the rigged speck of flame to spew from his staff: the figures of nothingness shuttering away with yet another cry. And, of course, it took no command for the group to fly away from the frozen shadows the very instant his second burst of fire shot in the opposite direction.

"Rrrruuun!" Balphamire's shivering voice eventually did arise once their boots had spotted away from the darkness and to the moist grasses, once again another party of darkened elves flashing to them, torches reflecting their anger.

Yet, what made another surprise was within the hour of finally escaping the deathly cold atmosphere, Kelnmock took but one peek east to spot the rising sun boom its powerful orange across the sky. In truth the warmth it began to provide did sent a calm sensation down his back as they continued their rush away from the still charging monsters, but with this fact still crying over the hill tops, he could only think back to the town. To Feinrock's shredded body.

"They have yet to gain," Balphamire attempted to cheer the group, "We have but twenty miles before we reach the Forest's end, we must lose them there!"

The painted confusion of the others endured with Kelnmock making his way beside the man, face riddled with confusion. "Twenty miles?! You act as this to be right over the horizon!"

"Balphamire we can't run with no rest, truly you know this," Kyplore agreed, his eyes looking back to see a clear trail of dust as to were the enemy pursued. "Perhaps if we could find some place clever to lay low as they pass..."

"What about those rocks?" Jobleir pointed over to the west, a field of boulders and weeds shinning upon the sun, this patterns repeated along the plains, had Kelnmock taken greater observation prior.

"No time to debate, let's just go!" Orglien pushed them all to the area, and within mere minutes, Kelnmock found his body tossed to the crevasses that scattered the hill, eyes watching the crushed dust wale away behind the army as it passed. A sigh was given by all, Kyplore's usual silence broken this moment only.

"I doubt they'll continue for long, we should make our rest here short."

Jobleir nodded as he took but a step up in the sun, "I would think their movements strange, one would think they spotted our--" his breath went soft, Orglien's hand extending as warning passed to late. His lower abdomen now drained a sharp red, their gasps forcefully held back while each's eye noticed the black arrow which poled from his side.

"Shit!" Orglien instantly shifted to catching the boy before another could finish the boy off, the others sword's immediately drawing to the air.

"Just hang on Jobleir!" Balphamire yelled to the pale boy, "Kyplore, tend to his wounds," he moved to face the others, "It appears we must make a stand now..." The idea made Kelnmock's heart drop, but with the horn of the creatures sounding off below, he saw they had no choice but to fall now--victory most likely had long since past.

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