Chapter 6: Dangers of the East

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"Everyone take a look around, hopefully their might be an easier way up then just climbing straight up

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"Everyone take a look around, hopefully their might be an easier way up then just climbing straight up." Balphamire took no delay, signaling all to spread out along the small platform, scanning every detail along the rock's texture.

"It's no use, Balphamire, clearly there's only one way out of here." One of the other men sighed in the useless attempt.

"Joblier's right, we should start climbing before these tides drown us." Another stated after, the rest all facing Balphamire, all except Kyplore.

"..." Silence rushed over him as his head leaned up against the wall, mind rampantly rushing off in the sky. "I'm sorry for getting us into this mess." He then pushed off the wall, his lose clothing rushing with the blow of the winds breath. "I--"

He was then interrupted by Kylore, apparently appearing as though to flash out of the shadows, "We don't have time for apologize, we all signed up for this when we joined the Greywoods, now if you all don't mind..." He reached to the nearest slot his hand could slide into, "Let's go."

"Agreed," Joblier nodded, his similar gear, aside from the symbol along both Kyplore and Balphmire's shoulder, floating in a mighty shout of the wind.

Luckily, the way up as short and all kept their grip, Kelnmock being the last to reach the plains above and to over look the vast and hill filled terrain of green.

"Well it appears the area is clear of those monsters, for now." Balphamire stretched his back, eyes finding no sign of movement or miscolor nearby. "Although I don't think it's a good idea we stick around to find out."

"What about this added detail we forgot to inform us on?" Kelnmock respectively brought up before he could begin his pace north.

"When we find camp and rest for the night I assure you I will relieve every detail." He stated without even turning, Kyplore laying a hand over Kelnmock shoulder in return.

"He means well enough, he's just worried is all" he whispered to Kelnmock's ears. "If you doubt his trust I can promise you there's nothing to worry about." He added, Kelnmock slightly pushing away only in discomfort and returning the hush voice.

"It's not trust, I merely wish to know why we're out here. I mean the chances we actually find those things and let alone make it back..."

"Go far beyond imaginable I know." Kyplore finished, driving his point, "This war means more than you can think to picture. Risks such as these are worth more than you know." He sighed leaving a last thought before rushing to the lead beside Balphamire, "just try to keep some faith."

"Faith." Kelnmock laughed under his breath, rolling an eye up to the boundless blue and blends of white.

"So what exactly are we looking for then?" Another one of them men moved from small talk.

"A small creak bed, large dips in hills, anything that will conceal us from scouts." Balphamire said.

"Obviously away from the sea then?" The man continued.

"Yes, I feel it's safe to assume such locations are often patrolled, we should keep as much distance from it and us as possible." He finally turned his head to view the whole group, "If you see anything don't hesitate. We should make camp before sunset." And just so suddenly he faced back north, Kyplore and him appearing to hold some private conversion while the rest returned to there own: leaving Kelnmock to silence, awkwardly pacing his feet in random patterns and looking for any new details in the ever changing sky.

That was until the period of a couple forgotten hours passed and he noticed a voice behind actually reach his ears, "What's your name again?" It was one of the other man to whom he had yet to truly speak to.

"Kelnmock. Yours?" He shrugged, giving in to the conversation.

"Lician." He became brief for the moment, Kelnmock noticing he too was an elf, though the only other than Balphamire. However, unlike the entire group, he happened to wear robes rather than light leather gear, and his hands too held a wooden staff. "You're that one from Darksea correct?" He walked up beside him now, voice near shouting.

"Yes, I was part of the defense before the tragic battle." Kelnmock merely sighed, moving from the strange green robes to his feet.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to--"

"It's fine, really I'm just still trying to figure out what happened," he suddenly shot back up, a lifted smile on his face. "What about you?"

The man at first felt a bit of confusion but in noticing his robes he seemed to catch on, "I'm from Skylord originally, The Mage Order specifically." He then held up his staff, "Learned the art of Fire why I attended the College to the north east."

"How'd you wined here then?" Kelnmock grew with interest, only hearing of tales about the supposed Mage Order years ago.

"The Order had sent me south to assist in some... Problems. After my work was done I ran into Balphamire and sort of got caught up in his speech, left to assist in stopping these things." He breathed out slowly, "The details are a bit complicated, but I'm glad to be here."

"I think right here is fine for us to stop for the night," the voice of Balphamire arose, his hand gesturing all to what appeared as a small stream bay dipping down out of sight. "I don't believe we could have asked for a better place to camp.  He added with a smile.

"Well, Kelnmock, it's a pleasure to meet you." The mage bowed, moving up front to discuss some unknown business with the leader, Paul left to sit upon a log beside the others.

"Kelnmock then?" Another beside Jobleir asked, their eyes already having to adjust to the dimness of the sky as its colors flooded into an array of oranges and reds.

"That would be my name."

"I'm Jobleir," he returned, his gear reflecting all the rest with its green and brown.

"Feinrock" the one one his left joined to the introduction, the other to the right being the last.

"Orglien, Appreciate you joining us." His massive hands extended from his brutish body.

"Well, while Lician prepares us a small fire and the introductions seem to be out of the way, " Balphamire and Kyplore now sat around the group, a instant spark and a dim red glow emanating from the staff as Lician became the last to sit, "I suppose you all would like an explanation as to our true intentions other than the documents."

"I would agree that information to be desired." The other elf nodded, the rest going along as the adjusted toward the the little heat.

"Very well, but one last question I'm sure is just as important, or at least to you Orglien." They laughed for only a moment, the man himself letting a chuckle, "I believe a small meal would be in our interest." He now brought from his side satchel a few loafs of bread and apples, others following and all disrupted evenly.

"Thank you," Kelnmock took in his portion as a loud pop of a flame stretched to the sky, Lician instinctively shooting forward to dim both the lighting and power.

"Alright now that that's settled I think it's best I begin." Balphamire spoke once more after taking in his apple's core, tension already feeling to bleed of their minds.

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