Chapter 9

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Yes I AM BACK TY IS BACK so yeah chap 9

Zane's P.O.V:
"Yey Recess My Favourite Class" I said whille I was still blushing from Kawaii~Chan. I just don't know how or why I do care for that Girl Shes weird and cool and has Beautiful pink hair and she's cu-Stop thinking about her Zane, as I mentally slap myself as I went to a table all alone by myself Until Kawaii~Chan came, "Hi Zane~Kun" Kawaii~Chan said. "Huh Why are you here Kawaii~Chan don't you wanna be with Aphmau and Everyone else except me?" I said Surprised "Well i just wanna Try And be friends With Zane~Kun" She said Kind Of Sad "Oh Okay well you can sit here" i say genunially Calm "Thank you So Much Zane~Kun" She says as she hugs me from my side when i blush "Z-Zane~Kun...? Are you Blushing?" she says stuttering very cutely "What No! I never blush" as I pull my mask up and as we make small talk she asks this really weird question "Zane~Kun Do you like anyone in particular?" She said Really awkwardly while looking at me "No not really cause if i did like someone they wont like me back" I say very awkwardly while scratching my neck(pokemon reference) "Well okay zane~kun" Kawaii~Chan says until she asks me another question.
"Zane~Kun why do you wear a Mask" She says "Well I don't like anyone seeing my face cause they're gonna get blinded by my ugliness" I say "Don't say that about yourself Zane~Kun" She says "Welp, Bye Kawaii~Chan" I say "Bye Zane~kun" as I walk away I take my earphones and put in Angel with a Shotgun And Just keep walking Too my Very Next class. School is weird....very weird but eh I got too be with my crush Kawaii~Chan But I don't even stand a chance, especially when she Likes Reese but I just hope it can happen but dreams are nothing compared to the cold hearted reality everyone lives in Irene please help me get over  I don't wanna fall in love Cause The person j love will never love me or have the same feelings back too me Ughhh i just wish my life was a fantasy that i could control but those are just my thought that will never be real in this world

Yey im done with this chapter

Objective: Make Him Smile | Zane~Chan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now