Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Flynn's scent awakened my senses. A beautiful aroma of pine mixed with moss and strong male. A loud thump on the porch signalled his arrival.

I opened my eyes but was temporarily blinded by the bright light of the morning. He looked magnificent, all six foot of him looking like a powerful killing machine, he was sweating a little, I guess he must have run from the pack house. His golden eyes locked on to mine beneath a swept to the side fringe, his usually straight dark brown hair was ruffled and the smile that was a permanent fixture had fallen. His entire stance emanated panic, fear and anger, he had his ears pinned back and his mouth snarled. He was wearing his black jeans, Doc Martins and leather jacket with a black singlet underneath and was looking decidedly deadly and sexy, but then I always thought that. He was my mate after all. Once he'd looked over  the  room the anger dropped. He could see the carnage, no doubt smell the humans, there were no pups in sight, he started towards me.

"Rex..." Flynn whispered as he pulled me from the ground and held me in his arms, he lifted me without strain and crushed me to his chest. Even though my body was stinging at every place he pressured I could finally block out the pain. I drank in the scent of him, the feeling of his warm body against my frozen skin was euphoric. I whimpered as he nuzzled my face and rubbed my cheek with his, he hadn't shaved and his facial hair rasped against my skin. He lent his forehead against my own and looked down into my eyes, it pained him to see me broken like this, I could see it in his eyes, he had so many questions, so much he wanted to say and to ask. He sat me down on the couch and pulled off his jacket which he laid over my legs, he also removed his singlet and dressed me, it hung over my bum and all the important bits so I was grateful. He tried to clean the blood and mud off my skin with a piece if threadbare curtain, each stroke on my skin was so delicate it seemed like he was scared of breaking me further. All the time he looked at me with eyes full of sorrow. But why should he feel bad? This was my fault. I felt numb, like I couldn't feel anything anymore, emotions disappeared and I couldn't even create words, my mouth wouldn't work.

"This is the best I can do baby, Auron and Slim are waiting in the woods." He said kissing me on the nose.

 I grimaced, seeing a pack member like this would make me lose some respect for them, being weak was not frowned upon but it wasn't an attribute either. 

Flynn's eyes flashed angrily. "This is no time for your stubborn pride Arrex! For God's sake you are injured and ill. Not a bloody burden."

His voice cut me, I nodded, instantly regretting the movement and remembering the steel bar. He was right, it was my pride that got me here in the first place, I needed help and I needed to accept that.

Flynn moved to the door and let out three deep barks signalling our whereabouts. He turned his back to me, and suddenly struck the wall punching clean through it. He was trying desperately to hold his emotions in check. He had just found his partner near death with his children, dead, stolen or god knows where and he had to show his strengths, not weaknesses. I wanted to hold him to me, leach all the pain out of him and hold it inside myself. I couldn't bear seeing him in pain, he was everything to me.


"Rex! Oh shit, what happened here?!" Slim entered the doorway, she looked over me, she took note of the blood on the floor, my obvious wounds, the absence of children and Flynn.

Slim was the mate of our Alpha, Auron. She was a smart woman and didn't miss a thing. Blond and striking, you could count that she had probably pieced together what had happened within moments of being at the scene, she was good like that, and yet she still asked.

"Rex, where are they pups? What happened here?" She crouched in front of me her eyes boarring into mine, she was searching for truth as she brushed stray hairs back from my face.

The hollow feeling inside erupted at the mention of the pups, filling me with misery and that burning hot pain of the loss of my babies. I bent forward, fresh tears burned my red, raw eyes as I bent forward keening. With the movement came a fresh flow of blood down my legs, it had slowed but hadn't stopped since the birth. Slim noticed and stepped back, alarmed she turned to my mate.

"Flynn, what happened here? The stink of humans is everywhere! Look at the blood..." Her brow was furrowed, not angry, but irritated that she couldn't get a story to go with the scene.

"Not now Slim, we have to get her home, we need Nae to have a look at her, try and stop the bleeding and check for any other injuries." Auron's calm collected voice jarred me from my grief. I raised my my face and arms to him and he came to me instantly, gently circling me with his giant arms, the man was like a bear in size. He was like a father to me, he kissed my cheek and lifted me off the couch, I couldn't stifle the crying so I just kept going, letting it all out.

Auron turned to Flynn and Slim. "Check the area for any signs of where they went, I tried but couldn't follow a scent further than the woods. If you are certain that you cannot follow them return home immediately. If you find them, again, return to us immediately."

Flynn's anger had returned he was torn between my welfare and the lives of our pups, he came forward and kissed my cracked lips, my nose and my forehead before straining a smile. "I will bring them home to you." His eyes welled up again with emotion but this time he left abruptly. Slim also came forward and kissed me, she had just had her first litter a few years ago, no doubt she was thinking what she would do if someone had taken her young ones. I trusted she would do whatever she could to find them. She left after Flynn.

I should be out there, I should be looking for the pups, I don't want my friends to be in danger. Were the pups still alive? What could a dirty stinking human possibly want with coyote amalgam pups? They have zero use for us, they despise us. It made no sense. I've missed some big piece of the puzzle here.

Auron readjusted his grip and we left out the front doorway, I would never return to this place.

"We should help them." I whispered, gesturing to the direction both our mates had ran off in.

"Hush, try and rest, you have you're own battle ahead of you my dear." Auron rumbled.

He started of at a brisk jog and soon the yellowed grass field was left behind us. Trees were a blur to me as we entered the woods, I couldn't focus on anything directly. The only constant and real thing to me seemed to be Auron's rhythmic footfalls, each step taking me closer to home.

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