Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

The day passed uneventfully. Slim and Auron went to check out the new influx of humans. Meanwhile Nae, Hazer and myself fussed over the new male in the pack, much to Eagon and Flynn's distaste.

The two men soon became irritated watching their bitches doting on Key, they offered to fill the water canisters at the fall.

“Thank you strapping lads!” I hollered and waved in their general direction.

“I'm coming!” Little Dagon toddled to his role models. Even at his young age the division between the sexes was apparent, he knew where he belonged.

“I would accompany you but I am a little. . . Tied up.” Key explained meekly. He was litteraly obstructed with Nae pinning his pants and Hazer measuring his waist.

“Next time.” Said Eagon with a stiff smile. He took one of Dagon's small out stretched hands and followed my mate into the woods.

It would be the last time I laid eyes upon Eagon and Dagon. If only there had been more warning of the catastrophic events about to ensue.

The thunderstorm continued into the evening. And it wasn't until nightfall that we noticed the absence of our five companions. Sure I stayed out later if I needed to, but it wasn't like Slim to stay away all day. I stood at the entrance of the cave watching the water cascade down over the opening. Nae joined me with little Yinny clutching to her back.

I cocked my ear to an unfamiliar noise that I could make out faintly over the roar of the rain and the odd crash of thunder. It sounded like a zip being done up quickly. I concentrated on the sound but I didn't hear it again.

“This little blister is getting restless inside the cave, perhaps we should go and see if we can find the boys, they may have had an accident?” Nae said.

Yinny looked pissed. Her pudgy little face screwed into a frown with an impressive pout. The poor thing was probably hungry as well as missing her mother and father.

“I wouldn't want to take the pup out, I wouldn't want to leave her here either.” I mimicked Yinny's angry expression and she accidentally let a smile slip. I knew what Nae was implying, the pack members usually would have returned by now. I knew it too. It's hard to accept that something could really be wrong out there, many times I had slipped off into the woods for longer than I had at first expected to be. I always managed to get home safely.

“I know, they seem to be hitting it off.” Nae nodded in the direction of Hazers flirtatious laughter. I grimaced, fucking Hazer, the kid was only thirteen!

I heard the zip. I turned my head to the side and lifted my hair from around my right ear.

“What is it?” Nae asked.

“Strange sound. It's the second time I've heard it. I'm going to call for a head count. Just to check all is well.” I said as I ventured into the rain, sheets of water-soaked through my cotton clothing quickly. I lifted my chin and took a deep breath ready to express my worry. The pitch of the howl was well higher than that of the storm and seemed to travel well despite the weather. Yinny added a few yips at the end, she must have felt the urge to respond as all the family would.

Hazer and Key approached, they'd obviously heard the call and gathering together instinctively. The rain pattered pathetically as we waited for the replies. As the silence continued the tension between us grew. I could feel Hazer shuffling from foot to foot behind me.


It was uncanny. There had never been a time when a family roll call wasn't answered. My heart beat quickened with the realisation that not only was it one group unresponsive but there was no answer from Auron or Slim either.

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