Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Night was slowly fading away when Flynn and I stopped running. Rain still fell but had faded to light showers. We sheltered under a colossal fallen tree, it was wedged against a rocky cliff and provided a dry area for us to stop and rejuvenate.

We had sprinted out of the humans range within minutes, our pace was no match for their own feeble excuse for speed. As Flynn and I escaped we encountered other amalgams fleeing the woods, death shrieks echoed through the trees, along with the odd zipping sound in the distance far behind us. After all we heard was silence, long after the last cries for help and yowls of pain had quietened Flynn slowed to a jog.

We did not speak. All our energy was focused on running for our lives. So we ran all night. Our own thoughts keeping us well occupied.

With my sight focused on Flynn I let my other senses roam the forest around us. The smell of smoke, blood and death wafted on the breeze while the animals and amalgams of the area screamed. They were terrified and confused. It made me feel sick to my stomach.

My conscious made me feel guilty, I should help these people, they are in the same boat as us. The harsh truth is that I would rather save myself and my partner than help a stranger.

Angry at my own honesty I pushed my body forwards. My skin felt crisp with dried sweat and tears had dried on my face as quickly as they'd fallen on my cheeks. But this was no time to feel sorry for myself, I had to gather my family and resurrect the pack.

Oh, hello instincts.

Flynn gripped me to him, silently holding me as though he felt I could disappear if he relinquished his grasp. I pressed my forehead against his and sat in his lap, disregarding time as I held on to my mate. His heart bet, his veins pulsed and I let my hands touch him all over. I ran my padded fingers down his ears and through his wet and tangled hair, down his back and over his tail. Feeling him alive with my own senses helped me to come to terms with the nightmare that had just taken place.

Nae was dead, mincemeat. My stomach churned at the thought of her mangled body and what would become of her. Slim and Auron had been closer to the city than any of us, they would have seen what was happening, they're either dead or captured as they would have warned the pack if it was at all possible. My jaw clenched, the thought of my adopted parents possibly deceased tore at my heart. The pair of them were the reason I was alive and now it was quite possible that they were injured and dying somewhere, if they lived at all. I held on to the small glimmer of hope, I didn't know what had happened and so I could't jump to conclusions.

Key had Yinny, she would be a burden and would attract attention if she had continued to wail as she was. I hadn't heard her cries as we ran, I took this as a good omen, if she was quiet Key had a better chance of saving her. Then again they could both be blown to pieces.

Hazer had blitzed into the night as advised, without a thought of Eagon, she had disappeared.

“Eagon?” I whispered hoarsely, my throat was dry from panting.

“I saw the humans shoot him, at first they only got him in the leg which soon exploded, then the neck and he was dead before the bullet detonated. He had been running with Dagon, I'd attempted to lead the hunters away but no matter what I did they were intent on getting that little boy. After Eagon went down they shot Dagon too, but not with the big guns, this was a tranquilizer. I couldn't get anywhere near them, I was completely outnumbered. I decided that I could save more lives by running ahead and warning the pack.” His voice cut out as he tried to hold his emotions in. I was in shock and could only murmur soothingly as he grieved.

“Where were Slim and Auron? Hadn't they returned?” He asked after a moment of silence.

“I've heard nothing of them since this morning, I'm afraid they might have been the first to know of this activity. . .” I trailed off.

Flynn placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back from his embrace, he looked at me with an intensity that made me feel naked. He was searching for any sign of discomfort or pain, my eyes locked on to his and he pulled me towards him. As the inches closed in I expected him to claim me animalisticly but his kiss was as soft as a light breeze. I barely felt his lips touch mine. Some how it meant more, I had always appreciated his delicate side.

Curled in each others embrace we rested, I never went to sleep but I felt Flynn slip into a fit full dozes, a few minutes at a time.

The day had reached noon by the time I felt we should move on. As time had passed the odd amalgam calls were heard, most of them called for their children, their sisters and brothers. Very few got even a single reply. Reality was setting in.

“Where do we start?” I questioned as I knelt at a creek, I washed the black blood off my face and hands, Flynn mirrored me on the opposite bank.

“Key, Yinny and Hazer left with us, we have the best chance of finding them.” Flynn replied.

“A role call?” I asked. “Would that attract unwanted attention?”

“I think it's worth a try, we would have to lose any ownership tones though, we are far from our territory Rex.” Flynn stood, his black boots caked in mud, his jeans stiff with dried blood and he had long since turned his t-shirt into a sling for his injured arm. His hair was now slicked back after the quick wash and he looked older, the stress clear on his face.

I rolled my shoulders and slowed my nervous breaths. This could be a stupid move, it would mean alerting every other amalgam in the area to our presence, hopefully, our family too. I doubted the humans would be able to tell the difference between an amalgam bark and that of a coyote but there was the threat of human discovery as well. The group that hunted us had been from the south, that didn't mean they were the only humans nearby.

With our thirst sated at the creek we moved back to the tree and climbed the trunk, we used the branches as our foot and hand holds, the rough bark was strong and supported our weight. The tree overlapped the cliff top and we dismounted, our hands were covered in gummy sap from the bleeding, dying tree. The top of the cliff gave us a great vantage point. To the south hearty fires consumed the woods, the air was thick with smoke towers following the hungry destruction, we couldn't see Hebinon or even the sea. We had travelled further inland than I had estimated. The mountains stood patiently in the northern distance, their frozen peaks were hidden by the cloud cover. To the east and west dark green, brown and oranges continued into the horizon.

Flynn's voice suddenly pierced the still air, it travelled very well. The cry called to each of our living family members personally and respectfully acknowledged the struggles of others and the territory owners. I joined in as his trailed off, my raw emotions making the howl stronger, longer and louder. Letting my voice drop away I noted barking in the distance, my ears cocked to the east, listening intently.

“Just dogs Rex.” Flynn said putting a hand around my waist. I couldn't help but feel the dissapointment cut like a knife to the gut. It was possible there was none of our pack left.

Standing in silence we rotated slowly, giving each direction the same amount of attention.Eventually Flynn stopped me, he turned me back towards the east.

“Can you catch that?” He whispered to me.

I closed my eyes and focused on the sound. It was coyote, it was fairly unfamiliar, but it called to us with love and relief. I nodded and whined in the back of my throat, indicating that I felt drawn to the cry.

Flynn questioned the reply, he cried to Key to end any misunderstanding.

The howl came back positive.

My man beamed at me, all the stresses momentarily dissapearing from his beautiful face. It had been a gamble, and it had fucking paid off.

“It's the kid!” I screamed happily, I jumped into Flynn's arms as he twirled me around in a circle. I kissed him soundly and grinned at my mate. One down.

Amalgam Nation [This could possibly shock you, you've been warned.]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora