Pancakes and Honesty

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      You know that feeling when you wake up disoriented, unsure where you fell asleep, or where you're waking up? It's like a limbo, being halfway between conscious and unconscious, the blurry vision and fumbling hands, the thick set in your mouth, the grogginess, and confusion. That's what I feel waking up in the guest room at Magnus' mansion. I roll over sleepily in the silky sheets, groaning softly at the sunlight filtering in through the window. I throw an arm over my eyes and consider dozing off again when I hear a soft knock on the door. 

"Come in..." my voice is thick, deeper than normal and laced with sleep. I don't bother to open my eyes, arm still thrown across them as I hear the soft movement of who I'm assuming is Magnus entering the room. He hums, almost in approval and I wonder what he's seeing that's making him so content. 

"Good morning Alexander. I hope you slept well?" His voice is slightly deeper as well, still light but with a gentle gravelly touch to it that makes my insides stir slightly. I blush faintly at how easily my name rolls off his tongue as if I didn't know the meaning until I heard it from his lips. When I blink open my eyes, Magnus is standing at the foot of my bed, canopy drawn open just enough for him to lean on the soft mattress. He's perched on the chest, wearing nothing but baby blue pajama pants with small sheep scattered on the cotton fabric. I feel one corner of my mouth tug up as I look him over. 

"I slept better than I have in ages, thank you." His smile widens as he toys with the blanket beneath his fingers. 

"I was going to make some breakfast if you're interested?" At that, my stomach rumbles softly and we both laugh lightly in the morning shine. I note the way it seems to catch in Magnus' hair, void of glitter, yet damp from his morning shower. He wears no makeup, and his fresh face is so startlingly beautiful that I feel my breath hitch in my throat. I soak up the way the sunlight pools in the dips of his collarbones and washes down the front of his subtly muscular torso. He seems to notice me staring and for the first time since I've met him, a blush rises in his cheeks. With a grin, I meet his gaze finally, sitting up and letting the blankets pool at my hips. His eyes wander for a second before he grins back. 

"Breakfast sounds wonderful, Bane." He flushes, pleased with the nickname and stands to leave the room. 

"Great, Alexander. You shower and get dressed, I'll be downstairs when you're ready."

      It takes me several minutes to figure out how to work the high tech shower in his en suite bathroom. It has more knobs and dials than I thought possible, even the ones back at the Lightwood mansion aren't this complex. When I finally manage to get a steady stream of hot water, I let it roll over my shoulders and back, washing off any leftover sleep from my face and body. The dream-like state I awoke in runs off of me like a waterfall, and I find myself more eager than ever to dry off, throw on some of Magnus' clothes and join him downstairs to share breakfast. His clothes are nothing like what I would ever wear. I towel dry my hair as I assess them. Tight black jeans with rips in front and a loose fitting lilac coloured muscle shirt with a yin yang sign on it. I sigh softly but smile at the outfit that is so much him and so little at the same time. It's a subdued version of Magnus from what I saw last night and in the several magazines and interviews he's been in, something he clearly hopes I'll be comfortable in. Though it's not what I'd normally choose, I slip into the clothes and ruffle my hair up a bit before trotting downstairs. My steps are lithe and bouncy, happy for once. Magnus has his back to me, humming to himself, his hips swaying as he mixes what I assume is pancake batter. 

"What's cooking, Bane?" He jumps, startled easily and I chuckle softly as he turns to face me. His mouth quirks up into a playful smile as he looks over my outfit. 

"I like you in my clothes. We should make that a regular happening. And pancakes are cooking, Alexander. I hope you like chocolate chips." I hum in response and lean on the island in the center of his massive kitchen, watching him with fond eyes as he cooks. 

"Need any help?" He shakes his hand and winks at me. 

"No, darling, you can just stand there and look pretty for me." I blush less than I would've last night, finally starting to become used to the confident compliments Magnus doles out constantly. 

"So Magnus, last night..." He turns to me, concern evident on his pretty face as he waits for me to continue. I don't. 

"Alexander, last night was more than just an interview for me, hence why you're in my home the next morning, in my clothes, cooking breakfast with me. There's something about you that I find intriguing and lovely, and I want to unravel you, piece by stunning piece until I have you all figured out." I chew on my lip as he speaks, trying to wrap my head around what he's insinuating here. 

"This is all new to me, since I figured myself out, Magnus. I don't know how to do this, how spontaneous, how to spend the night at a rich stranger's home, how to share breakfast and clothes with them, share secrets and hard memories, but with you, it's coming easier than I could've imagined. I think... if anyone, I could maybe let you figure me out, Bane." His smile is as open and wide as hope itself, and I find myself keen on being the reason for him to smile like this all the time. He continues cooking and we share the morning in the kitchen in companionable silence as he dances around to the soundtrack in his own head. Sliding a plate stacked with delicious pancakes in front of me, he sits across from me at the island and we eat, sharing gentle conversation as the day opens up towards us. 

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