Two Months

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Magnus puts his last dress shirt in one of his 3 suitcases and zips it up slowly. There's a sense of finality to it as it breaks the hushed silence in the room. I glance at the clock once more, noting we only have 45 minutes to get him on the plane. I walk over to his other bags and pick them up, keys in my hand.

"Come on, you can't be late." My voice is tired. We didn't sleep at all last night, awake in each other's arms making promises neither of us is sure we'll keep.

"I'll come home and we'll be fine, I promise." he brushes his hand across my jaw.
"I'll take good care of the business, you won't have to worry." I pass my lips over his bare shoulder.
"I won't fall for anyone else." I can feel his tears against my chest.
"I'll miss you every day." whispered into his hair.
"You better." his laugh catches in his throat and turns into a sob.
"You're my everything, don't take any shit from those French guys." I attempt to joke but it falls deaf on both of our ears.
"Please don't forget me."

"Please don't forget me," I repeat his words from last night, my voice barely above a whisper as we stand at the gate. His flight is about to board and I can feel my hands shaking, my whole body straining to be closer to him. He forces a small, sad smile and runs his hand through my hair. Quickly, I lean into the touch, closing my eyes and trying to memorize the way it feels. I feel his thumb swipe across my cheekbone, catching a tear I didn't even realize I'd shed.

"Flight 108 to Paris is now boarding. Flight 108 to Paris is now boarding."
I swallow hard and make myself meet his eyes, my hands clutching onto his waist. He brings his hands up to my cheeks and pulls my face to his, meeting my lips. This kiss is nothing like what we've shared before. It's tense and electric, buzzing with promises and longing. It's fierce but tender and it feels so much like goodbye I feel it deep inside my chest.

"I won't." He whispers against my lips as he pulls back, brushing our noses together. Slowly, he pulls away and turns, heading towards the gate and I feel another piece of my heart break away and go with him.

"Yes, these are the perfect blueprints for what we're looking for." Mr.Grayson looks pleased as he looks at the many papers spread out on my desk. Internally, I hate him for giving us the Brooklyn contract. It's a huge hotel that I know will bring us a massive amount of money, but it's also the reason I'm stuck here and Magnus is halfway across the world without me. He's only been gone 4 days and it's killing me.

"Great, I'm glad it's what you're looking for." I fake enthusiasm, taking a long sip of coffee and smiling at him.

"If you don't mind me asking, Mr. Lightwood, where exactly is Mr. Bane? I was under the impression he'd be handling this contract alongside you. Not to step on your toes or anything, I'm sure you're more than qualified to do the job." I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from sobbing and plaster a smile on my face, shaking my head.

"No offense taken. It was initially the plan to work on this job together, I assure you, but we actually got double booked with a contract based in Paris. Magnus left for Paris earlier this week, actually, and I'll be consulting with him over your contract as well while he's gone. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Not a problem at all, Mr. Lightwood. You seem to have a great understanding and hold on the project, I trust you'll handle everything well." I nod and stand to shake his hand, watching as he leaves my office before I crumple back down into my chair. He's right, I have no clue what I'm doing. Magnus left me instructions and phone numbers for people I don't know. We were contracted to draw up the blueprints and figure out details on cost and efficiency for getting the job done. Luckily Magnus and a few of the artists from downstairs drew up the rough drafts of the blueprints, but I know there will be more to do. It scares me to have such pressure on me when I have no clue what I'm doing. Maybe I should look into going to university, taking a few actual architect courses. Maybe this was all a big mistake. I shake my head back and forth to clear out the negative thoughts, forcing myself to clear off my desk and try and be productive. Before I can get to work, my cell phone rings.

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