Drop of Magic (Epilogue)

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      If there is one thing I've learned in life, it's that money does not buy you happiness. Any number of fancy cars and useless materialistic items cannot make you happy. Expensive restaurants, thousand dollar suits with hundred dollar shoes, sports cars, and limos are all luxuries I've had the pleasure of experiencing in life, but as I look back on the past year, none of it compares to one thing. Magnus Bane. 

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Magnus hums to me as he enters our bedroom. The sunlight of spring filters through the window and cascades down across my bare chest. I yawn, stretching my arms high above my head and smiling up at nothing in particular. It's been exactly a year today since I first met Magnus. 

"Good morning," I reply, blinking languidly up at him. His hair is newly trimmed, still spiked up and holds no glitter this morning- yet, that is. He's shirtless, his exposed chest catching the sun. I glance down at the tray in his hand. 

"Breakfast in bed." He explains, sitting down next to me and setting the tray in front of him. I chuckle and sit up softly to avoid causing a huge mess. I pick up one of the cups of coffee- obviously mine, black- and take a long sip, humming contently as the warmth spreads through me. 

"What's the occasion?" Feigning confusion, I furrow my brows and look at him. He audibly pops his mouth open, eyes widening in either shock or anger- probably both. 

"What's the occasion? Are you freaking kidding me right now, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I swear to the heavens if-" I laugh softly and take his chin in between my thumb and forefinger, pulling his face towards mine and pressing my lips to his, letting a little bit of his magic melt into me. Effectively, it shuts him up as he smiles against my lips. 

"I'm kidding, Bane," I whisper slowly as I pull back, grinning at him. He raises a finger and traces my jawline, causing me to flutter my eyelids shut at the soft touch. Even after a year, everything Magnus does makes me weak. 

"I love you, Alexander," he whispers, lips pressing against my temple. 

"And I love you, Magnus Bane."

Sitting here in the morning sun, basking in the presence of the one I love, is when I realize that a year ago, today, I was miserable. In just 365 days, Magnus has managed to turn it all around and make me happier than I've ever been in my entire life. And, sure, being with him has brought back the luxury I once had, the fast cars and ridiculous shopping trips, the expensive restaurants and pool parties with copious amounts of alcohol that doesn't even dent our bank accounts, but it's brought so much more with it. It's flooded my heart, shown me it's okay to let myself be happy, that it's alright if I'm not a typical Lightwood because Magnus wouldn't have me any other way. It's brought with it lazy Saturday mornings in bed, roaming my eyes over the perfection that is Magnus Bane. I've been given countless hours of cuddling with him and the Chairman, countless memories that I wouldn't give for anything and countless moments of magic that brighten the world that can be so dull. Because if this world needs anything, it's a little drop of magic. 

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