Bonus Chapter (2) Not The Wedding You Were Expecting

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A/N: You're all such lovely people! It's July 25th and we've hit 3k! That's amazing, you guys are great! So, I've decided that every thousand reads we get, I'll update you guys with another bonus chapter! Enjoy :)

Alexander POV

Clary's hair catches the sunlight, making the carefully styled strands shine like wildfire in the hot July sun. Her white dress fits her like a second skin, enveloping her in a pure, soft aura that she owns perfectly. She smiles vibrantly and though I never realised it before, she is a beautiful woman, her happiness infectious and warm.

"Are you nervous?" Izzy asks, rocking in her high heels, making me unexplainably nervous as I watch her teeter. Her hands are clasped in front of her and she grins widely. Clary laughs softly and nods, her soft veil bouncing slightly.

"Yes! I cannot believe I'm getting married today!" Izzy laughs and I crack a smile as well, smoothing a hand down my navy suit jacket. I adjust my matching tie and my scarlet pocket square, making sure I look perfect. It's not my day, but if even a strand of hair is out of place, either Izzy or Magnus will have my head.

"I'm going to go find Jace. You really do look stunning, Clary. It'll take his breath away." I smile and rest my hand briefly on her upper arm. She smiles at me, tears welling up in her spring green eyes. I quickly kiss her forehead, barely brushing my lips against my soon-to-be sister-in-law's skin before striding away.

I've barely seen Magnus today, he's been so busy running around making sure everything is perfect. He even closed down the office today to ensure that neither of us had anything else on our minds. That's what Clary gets for letting him and Izzy be the wedding planners. I know I'll see him soon enough, though, when we get to walk down the aisle together.

I knock twice on Jace's door in the hotel before he calls for me to come in. The room is a bit of a mess, which is to be expected, I mean, it is Jace after all, and he's standing in front of the floor length mirror in his scarlet tux. He looks perfect, but it's never been hard for Jace to do that. He turns to me with a nervous smile and I grin back, folding my hands behind my back and giving him a quick once over.

"Do I look alright?" He asks nervously, turning in a quick circle for me. I chuckle and nod, stepping forward to adjust his navy bow tie. His vest is navy and matte, much like the matte finish of the charcoal jacket and dress pants. I turn to the table and grab his boutonniere- a perfect Calla Lilly adorned with baby's breath- and pin it to his jacket with a black jewel before stepping back.

"You look perfect, Jace," he grins and steps forward, hugging me and clapping me once on the back.

"Thank you, Alec, for being the best friend and brother I could have ever hoped for." I grasp his shoulder once he pulls away and smile warmly at him.

"You're one to talk, you're a pretty great brother yourself. Now, let's get down there. We start in about 40 minutes." Jace pales slightly before nodding and following me outside. There isn't a cloud in the sky, which is perfect for an outdoor wedding, and the grass is lush and vibrant green. Everything is perfect, right down to the temperature, which isn't stifling but is perfectly warm.

"So when are you and Magnus going to tie the knot, huh? You've been together as long as Clary and I, almost 4 years now, and neither of you have even proposed." Jace makes small talk as we walk the path heading down to the park where the ceremony will be held. I shrug and fix my cufflink as we pass by bustling staff for the wedding and happy guests.

"We're in no rush, really," I reply simply, stopping near the wedding arch.

"But weddings are great, I mean, this has been the best week of my life," he argues, looking around him at the intimate setting. The chairs are all navy, adorned with flowers on the sides. The path leading up the arch is wide and trimmed neatly. The arch itself is white with bouquets of red and white arrangements decorating it. It's simply perfect.

Drop of Magic (Malec)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon