(Author's Note)

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Hey, guys! This will constantly be updated and what not as things change and grow so please keep an eye out for the notifications!

Update: 18.2k reads. I love you all.

So thank you to anyone who's read this, voted, commented, shared it, given it a chance, it means a lot! You guys are awesome!

Please continue to share this story and read up on my others if you enjoyed this one! Comment and interact with me I love to hear from you!


~Shatter (Destiel) ((slight angst, mainly fluff, safe fanfic, no triggers))

~Coffee and Cigarettes (Destiel) ((short high school fic with many trigger warnings, please be careful!))

~Painting Poetry (Phan) ((fluffy, pastel, shop owner, artist adorableness.))

~Blood in the Water (Phan) ((angsty, vampire au, so far no trigger warnings.))

~Bloom (Malec) ((flower shop AU, high school age, fluffy cuteness about beauty and finding it.))


~Efflorescence (Malec) ((sequel to Bloom!))

~Two Weeks ((this is something new I'm trying- it's all original characters and plot line, trigger warnings for sure, about a boy who decides to end his life and a boy who will do anything to keep that from happening.))

Thanks again you guys! Hope you enjoyed this book and hope you enjoy my others! <3


Drop of Magic (Malec)Where stories live. Discover now