Bonus Chapter (6) Mess ups and Make ups

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A/N: These reads keep accelerating, the thousands are adding up quicker than ever. For that, I'm extremely grateful. You are the best readers ever, seriously, and I want to thank you for the outstanding, continuous support! We've hit 6k already! Balancing work, school, and writing is a tough job, but I managed to get this out there for you.

It takes place about 3 years after Cleo's birth, and switches halfway through the chapter to a slightly different storyline. I wanted to add both, so I kind of meshed them, sorry for that! I just wanted to give you guys some more substance to this chapter, as I felt it was pretty short.

Enjoy it, and please remember to vote, share it and comment! I love to hear from you!


(Alec POV)

In any other circumstance, I could convince myself that everything is okay.

But it's not.

I'm used to sleeping without Magnus, honestly, it's a luxury when we fall asleep together and wake up together after the same night. Between going abroad for work- which we've always shared the burden of- or staying late at the office, formal work affairs, and handling the kids, we don't get to do that often.

This? This is completely different. And I absolutely hate it.

The guest room at Izzy's apartment just doesn't feel right.

Neither does this heart-wrenching guilt that I'm feeling, this overwhelming knowledge that I've done something wrong. I want nothing more than to fix this, but I have no idea how.

I'd known the words would sting the second they left my lips, but that didn't stop them from biting out like a bullet. It didn't stop the tears that glistened in his amber eyes, or the apologies that fell from my mouth thereafter. It didn't stop this mess at all.

As a couple, it's been a rarity that we've fought, and always, always, we'd resolve it the same day. Neither of us likes to be apart. Not this time, though. I pushed it too far.

"Magnus I told you we're already late, it's her first day and you're messing it up!" I call, having already sent Cleo out to the car. Lately, Mags' head has been out of the game. He forgot to pick Cleo up from dance practice two days ago, and made her late for gymnastics yesterday. This morning, he gave her dry cereal and a juice box for breakfast, and now has seemingly misplaced everything she could ever need for school. Work has been eating up his time, and it shows.

"I can't find her backpack!" He calls back, from up the stairs. I growl low in my throat and stomp up the stairs, into her room with a goal in mind. Magnus has successfully torn apart her perfect little bedroom in a feeble attempt to find her glittery black backpack. It was a compromise, okay? Anyway, her room looks like a freaking hurricane hit it. And sitting in the very centre of the room is a backpack.

"Sometimes I wonder how the hell you function when I'm not around, Magnus Bane." I snap, picking the bag up off of the floor and shoving it into his arms.

"It's not like I meant to misplace it, I was freaking out! I've never done this before!" He exclaims, catching the bag that holds a couple of sketch pads, some crayons, all the pre-school necessities.

"Sometimes it shows that you were raised in the system." I hate myself the second I say it. I know I don't mean it, and the way his eyes tear up shows me he might think I did. But right now, I don't have time to apologize. I turn on my heel and head downstairs, grabbing Cleo's lunch pack off of the counter and barging out into the garage.

She's occupying herself with some pebbles, crouched down in her purple tutu in the dust. Scooping her up in my arms, I dust her off and place a kiss on her forehead. Even when I'm fuming mad, Cleo never sees that. I vowed the day she was born that I would never let her see that side of me, of us. That Magnus and I would be nothing like my parents were when I was growing up. To her, this world would be perfect.

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