Cards on the Table

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I couldn't but raise my eyebrows out of admiration once I entered into the Burning Black Cliff pack's land. Strictly speaking, this wasn't even part of the mainland where a majority of the pack members gathered. I was only looking at what pack members would generally refer to as 'outskirt'. Unless the pack is engaged in war, hardly anything takes place in outskirts (other than brief patrols and surveillances). Most of the Burning Black Cliff pack members probably aren't even aware that they own this part of the land, especially considering the size of the pack. 

Or so I thought.

I tilted my head as I spotted another small unit of werewolves busy relaying certain orders up ahead. This was already the fourth time I saw an organized unit on this supposedly-desolate land. Dan and I never came across news indicating that the Burning Black Cliff was in a war. So why were there so many werewolves out here? 

I was not liking the fact that there were so many pack wolves around. Dan and I were used to working with just the two of us in the shadows. Being out in the open, in presence of an Alpha (or rather used-to-be-Alpha) and tens of his subordinates was not a comfortable atmosphere for us. It was hard to keep my head cool and calculating when there were so many distractions but I maintained a straight face to hide my agitation.

Gerard exchanged light greetings before handing out simple orders to each and every one of the werewolf groups he came across to; Chris, Luke, and Isabel added extra instructions only when needed. Once orders were given out, each unit was quick to obey in a very orderly manner. Such concise and exact interactions made it possible for us to reach the mansion within 10 minutes despite the fact that we ran into a total of 7 units of werewolves.

Once we reached the mansion, I laughed out softly as I shook my head sideways. This simple yet modern-styled mansion was also something one would not expect to see in outskirts. 

'I can really only imagine the sheer amount of wealth this pack has'. I observed bitterly as I followed the group into the mansion. The interior pretty much gave away that the place was used primarily as a casual workplace, not as a residence. The walls were full of tall wide windows that made it easy to those inside the mansion to spot any trouble approaching outside. The living room's ceiling, which also high and wide, left little space for there to be private rooms in the first and second floors. 

Luke stretched his back and pounced on the living room couch as soon as he stepped inside the mansion. Chris murmured something disapprovingly at Luke's frivolous attitude. Isabel seemed to downright ignore others excluding Gerard, Dan, and me.

Isabel glanced at me before facing Chris. "We'll have the questioning done in the room on the second floor." 

I didn't miss the fact the Isabel used the word 'questioning' as if Dan and I were criminals ready for interrogation. I wasn't fazed since I knew from the get-go that she going to be a tough cookie to get through.

"Sure thing". Chris replied and gestured Luke to scoot over. 

Dan, who was standing closer to Luke, started to move towards where I was since the stairs to the second floor was behind me. It was then that Luke casually but firmly grabbed onto Dan's arm. Neither Dan nor I flinched at the unexpected obstruction. Both of us realized right then that Isabel wasn't the only one who considered this meeting as an interrogation. Luke's playful smile, contrasting the sharp glint in his eyes, made his intentions quite obvious. 

"No need to shove all of us in that tiny room." Luke got up from the couch and tapped lightly on Dan's shoulder in a deceivingly friendly manner. It was deceiving because Luke was, in a sense, pressuring Dan to sit on the couch. "Chris and I feel much better working right here."

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