Groveling Shamelessly

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"Matchmaker?" Chris frowned.

I also got the similar reaction from Gerard and Isabel. From then on, I thought it would be better to explain myself to the rest of the crew as well so I requested to Gerard that we move back out into the living room. 

So here I was. Back again with Dan, Luke, and Chris. It was obvious that Chris and Luke's interrogation hasn't been making much progress. It would be a god-sent miracle if the statue-like Dan said more than 10 syllables for each of their questions. And it wasn't like Dan would crack under pressure and talk nonsense just because two pack wolves were trying to pry information out of him.

By the time, the three of us returned back to the living room, Chris looked like he was ready to grab Dan by the collar and shake any information out of him. Luke, on the other hand, was having a blast watching Chris on the verge of losing his temper. This didn't mean that Luke wasn't doing his job. In fact, he was probably sharp enough to notice early on that Dan had an impenetrable iron mind and thus decided to give up the questioning until we returned.

Luke must've looked forward to getting the information out me rather than Dan. Too bad the anticipation on his face evaporated immediately when I repeated the same question I asked Gerard and Isabel.

"... Well, I've certainly heard of matchmaking or dating apps-"

"Enough, Luke." 

Luke raised both of his hands in the air when Isabel glared at his absurd comment. Dan didn't look at me when I mentioned 'Matchmaker' but I knew that he was bracing himself. After all, we have never revealed the existence of the Matchmaker to pack wolves. I was taking a huge risk here without really warning Dan beforehand but he remained poised and ready. I thanked him in my mind for following my lead, as always.

"I'm sure we all know she is not referring to something like that, especially since she used the word 'organization'." Gerard pointed out for the others but Luke still remained confused and lost.

"Yeah, but I mean... there are actual physical organizations that do matchmaking-"

"Luke, Chris, who was still frustrated after his unsuccessful question, gritted his teeth. "will you please. Cut. It. Out?"

"Alright, alright, but what I else can I say when someone asks me this kind of question? The first thing that crosses my mind are those-"

This time I decided to cut off Luke. "The Matchmaker I am referring to is an organization solely for werewolves. I was asking if anyone of you heard of it amidst our kind."

Everyone, except Dan, gave me either a blank stare or a frown. 

The look of amusement was back in Luke's eyes after a moment of silence. "Judging from its name, I can kind of tell what the group's purpose is. Having said that, whoever created such organization must be an idiot. The notion of matchmaking itself is useless for us werewolves. We are born with my our fated partners. Is the organization for those who lost their mates or something?" 

Isabel sighed before adding. "Wolves who lose their mates, lose their souls. They can never even dream of replacing their other half with their sanity intact."

"I know, Issy." Luke once again raised his hands up. "I was trying to emphasize that I, nor anyone else in the werewolf community, have ever heard of such ridiculous firm before."

"As expected," I mumbled thoughtfully. So Adrian really did keep his end of the deal that he won't reveal the 'Matchmaker's existence to others. If a huge pack like the Burning Black Cliff wasn't aware of it existence like was highly likely that no other pack wolves have ever heard of it either.

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