Chapter 2: Phone Call Awakening

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Ben was breathing heavy and his hands were shaking. He watched his mom, feeling like the world was moving in slow motion. He watched the picture slowly fall to thw ground, landing face down. He watched the two of them look down at the picture to see in bold writing, a number scrawled across the back. Lisa slowly bent down to pick it up, Ben still watching her closely. 

"Should we call it?" she finally said, sitting down on the stairs below her son.

Ben looked over her shoulder at thw number. The 604 area code wasn't familiar to him at all, but he had to admit, he was pretty curious as to who this man was. In fact, he was downright excited. His mom didn't seem to share in his feelings. She was still staring down at the picture, slowly flipping it over and over between two fingers.

"Did anyone live here before we moved in?" Lisa asked aloud, hoping that she was right. She didn't want to admit to Ben that this was thw man I'm her dreams that she often found herself getting quite friendly with. 

"Even if they did, why would he be kissin' your cheek, mom?" 

Lisa sighed, knowing her son was right. Something about this picture seemed all too real to her. She felt like the man in the picture belonged here with them. It was almost as though she could remember a time when he was here with them. She shook her head and pulled out her phone. "If anything, he'll probably want his things back," she said before she began to dial the number.


Dean had just sat down at the table after grabbing a beer. Sitting clockwise was Castiel, Sam and Mom. The oddball family was sitting down for dinner in the Bunker. Mom and Sam had made homemade meatloaf, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy. The spread in front of him looked amazing and smelled even better. It was nice having Mom back, if for no other reason than home cooked meals.

"Mom, if you keep cookin' like this, I'm gonna loose my boyish figure," Dean joked as the bowl of mashed potatoes was passed his way.

"Oh, I'll make sure you stay in shape," Castiel was quick to say, with a wink. Dean blushed and Sam made a gagging noise.

"No awkward sexual advances at the dinner table, please," Mary chided, putting a piece of meatloaf on her plate.

Dean coughed and Castiel squeezed his boyfriend's knee under the table. Dean turned his head and smiled and then grabbed the bowl of green beans. After everything was piled onto his plate and everyone had fallen into a comfortable silence, the only sound of forks scraping on the plates, Dean smiled at his family.

It had taken Dean eight years to admit his love for Castiel. It had taken Dean even longer to get his mom back. The only thing missing in their lives was a girl for Sam. He didn't know if that would ever happen. All was right in the world right now. Lucifer was locked back in the cage, there were no immediate dangers as Kelly, the woman with Lucifer's nephilium, was assigned to another angel as she ran from Castiel and warded herself to him. Crowley was taking care of Hell, getting everything back into order. Mom was home after her time trying to find herself. Dean was happy for the first time since he was with Lisa almost eight years ago. There was nothing that could change his outlook on life, or so he thought.

As Castiel and Dean were cleaning up the leftovers and the dishes, playing more with the sudsy water and throwing bubbles at one another, Dean's phone rang. He grabbed at the back of Cas's shirt and wiped his hands, making Castiel grumble and Dean chuckle. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and walked towards the doorway without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah?" he asked, leaning on the door frame, smiling at Castiel and the domestic scene in front of him. Dean never expected to see his angel doing dishes.

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