Chapter 7: Speedy Talking

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Castiel appeared in the war room of the Bunker, Ben in his arms and in no better shape than before. After a quick listen to decide he was alone, he briskly walked towards the bedrooms, choosing his empty room to put Ben in. He gently laid the tall teen on the bed and then flashed to a nearby hospital, gathering supplies. When Castiel finally came back, his arms were full with an iv, a bag of morphine, a bag of saline to keep him hydrated, some medicine to help with the seizers and tremors. He laid of that on the small dresser in the room and then looked back at Ben, who was as pale as the white sheets underneath of him. Before he could pause to really think about what was happening and begin to let emotions in, Castiel got to work on hooking Ben up to the two different iv's. After all of that was done, Castiel sat down in the chair across the room and finally allowed emotions in.

He looked back at the ghostly figure in the bed as reality began to set in. Castiel had done this to him, so he felt personally responsible for the teenager in his bed. In a way, Castiel felt like a scared parent, but he doubted Ben would ever see him as anything but an angel. The little bit that he could see into Ben's mind when he was trying to figure out what was wrong, the boy was still having trouble wrapping his mind around the new supernatural life he had stumbled upon, along with his father. Castiel didn't want to add to the complications Ben was trying to work through. Plus, Castiel had no idea what was going on in his head right now. Castiel knew he could easily heal Ben by putting the wall back up, but judging by the way Dean was hunched over his son, along with the way Dean had been acting since Ben called a little over a month ago, he knew that would be out of the question.

Castiel put his head in his hands, feeling helpless for the first time in a long time. After seeing Dean and Ben together, even if the one wasn't conscious, he knew all of fears Dean had of Ben wanting him in his life were gone, but they were replaced with some bigger fears. Castiel wanted to comfort him, tell him everything was going to be alright, but Castiel hated to lie and he didn't know if everything in fact, was going to be alright.

That was all Castiel wanted to do anymore; tell Dean everything was alright. Especially since both his brother and mother has seemed to turn against him. It was bad enough when Dean found out they were both working with the British Men of Letters, but now that both of them were equally mad and disappointed about Dean trying to protect Ben and Lisa, Castiel felt like Dean had no one else to turn to and this hurt him. Many a times in the last few weeks and days, he had wanted to pull Mary and Sam aside to make them forgive Dean, but he knew that would only make things worse. Dean hated to be pitied. All of the Winchesters did and Castiel didn't want to add to that. Instead, Castiel would be Ben's charge and heal him. He knew this would make Dean more than happy. With this, Castiel had made up his mind. For the time being, he would be known as Castiel the Healer and not Castiel the Lover.


"Are ya worried?" Claire asked, finally bringing up the elephant in the room-or car.

Dean gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and eased up on the gas pedal, bringing his speed from close to 90 down to about 85. He really didn't want to talk about Ben, though he knew if something was majorly wrong, Cass would've called by now. They had been on the road for close to an hour. With the speed Dean was going, they would probably only be on the road another hour, hour and half at best.

He looked beside him to see Claire peering up at him, chewing on her bottom lip. She looked as worried as he felt and this almost melted his heart. Deciding to change the subject from the condition of is son, he asked instead, "So you and Ben, huh?"

Claire quickly looked away and at the trees buzzing past them. Dean chuckled and sped up a little bit to pass a tractor trailer and a minivan in the fast lane. He had opted to take the highway, since that was the most direct route, but this meant more traffic, something Dean hated.

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