Chapter 9: Pleasure and Pain

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"Alright, Alright, ya don't haveta shove," Dean said as his face met the wall for the second time since being arrested. He was trying to play it cool, just like every other time he's been arrested by civilian police. Nothing could compare to the federal arrest, so this was a piece of cake. The only thing that had him slightly concerned was where they had taken Claire.

The two of them had been taken to the station in the back of the same cruiser. The officers that finally stopped them weren't too rough with Claire as the got her out of the car. Dean, on the other hand, was yanked out of the car and face planted into the gravel and dirt on the side of the highway. When he had finally gotten his footing to stand back up, he was pushed towards the cruiser, once again, getting an up close view of the white paint of the hood of the car as they frisked him. It didn't help that he joked, by saying, "Hey, if you're gonna get that friendly with me, at least buy me dinner first." That got him a bump on the head as they shoved him into the back of the car without making him duck. If his hands wouldn't have been cuffed behind him, he probably would have taken a swing at the officer on the last bump.

"I hope ya have a plan," Claire mumbled as Dean was shoved into the backseat next to her.

Dean had fallen sideways, his legs barely in the door when it was slammed shut. His head was dangerously close to Claire's lap. He was struggling to sit up and Claire wasn't much help as she tried to help him. After a few more minutes and several grunts later, the car had started and Dean gave up. He had managed to turn himself so he could see Claire. "I'm still workin' on that," he mumbled back, trying not to stare directly at Claire's boobs, but at this angle, it was hard to do so.

"Well, ain't that just ducky," she pouted and slouched as best as she could in her seat.

"How much cash ya got on ya?" Dean asked, trying to move himself to see anything but a view of side boob.

"Uh..." Claire started and looked at the cage and headrest in front of her, "I grabbed my last paycheck, plus some of my savin's, so I'm a little over $700."

Dean whistled and chuckled, "Damn, what I'd give to have that much cash on me." Claire looked back down at him and wrinkled her brows. Before she could ask anything, Dean replied, choosing his words carefully, "We don't live... frivolously, but we get by. Sammy and I have some... side jobs. Plus, I think Mom's been gettin' some help from the British Men of Letters."

Claire nodded her head and sighed, "What I have ain't even close to bail. Especially for what you're gonna be charged with."

Dean just laughed at that and looked up at her, really trying to see her eyes, when he said, "Sweetheart, this ain't my first rodeo."

Claire glared down at him, "But what 'bout me, asshat?"

Dean stopped laughing and winked, "You'll be fine."

Claire wanted to cross her arms. Instead, she settled on huffing and turning herself to look out the window. She didn't want to talk to Dean anymore. She thought maybe talking would help calm her nerves, but so far, that had only made it worse. It was one thing to carry around fake badges and use them, but to be going to jail with that as a potential charge against both of them, plus whatever other charges or warrants Dean has against him... She might see sunlight again on his fiftieth birthday.

Dean had tried a few more times to start the conversation, but she continued to keep her head and part of her body, looking away from him. Dean sighed and tried again to sit up, but kept failing. Instead of wasting his energy on the struggle, he opted to just watch the streaks of light and other colors pass across the inside of the car. The two of them stayed like this until they finally arrived at the station.

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