Chapter 5: Awkward Dinner

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Dean waited an extra minute to walk back inside. He stood on the porch, his hand on the door handle, half afraid and half upset. He wanted more time alone with his son, but he really don't know how to approach the situation. He almost wanted to bail. He actually did turn around and take a step towards Baby, but he heard Jody's shrill yell, calling him to the table. He sighed, licked his bottom lip and then walked into the house.

He could see the table from doorway and almost smiled at the domestic scene before him. Three women of varying ages and a kid that looked exactly like him. He would be lying if he said he missed Jody and Claire. He didn't really know Alex, so he couldn't say one way or another. He definitely missed Ben, more than he could ever say.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Claire chided, waiting for Dean to move from the doorway. She couldn't begin to understand what Dean was going through. In truth, she really didn't understand the whole situation. As much as she had wanted to push Ben further to talk about his past, she didn't push.

Dean chuckled and rubbed at the back of his neck, feeling the room fill with tension. He really didn't want to sit down to a family meal, but maybe Jody would be able to get the ball rolling with starting this awkward conversation. He dropped his hand and walked over to the empty chair between Claire and Jody. As he sat down, a fresh beer was set on the table in front of him. He smiled and graciously accepted it, taking a long swig. A big bowl of spaghetti was being passed around. He looked up to see he was sitting across from Ben. The two just locked eyes, unmoving.

Dean really began to look at Ben. Their cheekbones were similar, along with the splattering of freckles across their noses and cheeks. Ben had lost all of his boyish chub from and had turned into a lean and lanky man. A bit of a heartbreaker, Dean figured by the way he had been carrying himself as he walked out of the woods with Claire. He didn't seem to be dressed too fancy, a pair of worn jeans and army green shirt. His hair was longer than his and slicked back. Dean wasn't sure if Ben used some product or if that was just natural grease.

"Dean?" Jody asked gently, bringing Dean out of his head. He looked to her as she tried to hand him the bowl. "Not hungry?"

Dean shook his head and then chuckled, "When have I ever not been hungry?" He took the bowl. Being the last one to get a turn, he helped himself to a big pile of pasta and then set the bowl down in the middle of the table. He stabbed his fork at the pile of noodles and began twirling as Alex and Claire fell into a steady chatter about their day. Jody and Ben remained silent. Ben was looking at the half empty bottle in front of him and Jody was munching away, peacefully, watching everyone at the table.

After everyone was just about done eating, Jody turned to Alex and said, "Wanna go get the dessert?"

Alex nodded her head and stood up. "Dean, do ya need another beer?" she called from the kitchen.

Dean looked at his half empty bottle and then to Ben's empty bottle. "Sure, but make it two."

"Make it three," Jody called over her shoulder. Then she looked to Claire, but said loud enough for Alex to hear as well, "After dessert, I think you girls have some chores or somethin' to do." She ended with a nod.

As Alex set the pie plate on the table and then the bottles, she shrugged her shoulders, "I could go into town and get some stuff."

Claire sighed and looked at the peach pie in front of her, "Guess I don't have much of a choice."

Ben chuckled and watched as Alex cut the first slice, his mouth watering.

"Yum, beer and pie, two of my favorite things in the world," Dean announced as he got the first slice.

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