Finding true LOVE...8

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Alisha's POV:

Sleep was far away from me that day , I was literally day dreaming in the night about my future with him.Only tears welled up in my eyes , I couldn't think a life with a total stranger like him. I just knew a few things about him , that he is a very big nerd and cares for his family a lot , nothing much.

With this type of information alone I can't just go and get married to a stranger right , its not at all fair!!!

All my dreams were crashed now all because of my Dad's condition.

Naaaahhhh...Alisha...naaahhh...never think like that. U love your Dad ,he's your HERO , how can u blame him?

How cruel and rude of u? heart was reminding me this whenever I thought like that , I kind off knew that I was and I'm wrong.

But suddenly something else popped out from my mind that Zuha told me that it's not confirmed yet and so I need not worry and I'm pretty sure that he would REJECT me because of my looks.

Though I'm not complaining about my looks because only Allah subhana wa' tala has created me and I have no rights to offend that , but still in this present world only superficial things survive and not natural ones.

Next day I'll get to know the answer before that I have to ask my friends opinion because they knew me more than I do.

Another gloomy day was up , I got up early than usual and I went inside my washroom and took a hot shower in order to relax my stiff muscles which was due to the tension I was going through.

After getting bathed I took out my jeans and a long top with floral designs in it.I quickly changed it and I wore a simple make up with a watch in my right hand.I was not interested in wearing any other accessories as my mood was off.

While going to my college I told everything about this so called PROPOSAL to Rooma.She was giving me moral support.After a quick hug and a bye, I climbed two floors to enter my class.

I directly went to my friends without greeting any one.

The class immediately started after the Lecturer came in.

During the whole period, by the way I was grunting my friends made out that my mood was off to the peak and once the class was over, I was bombarded with questions.

Why is this world filled with questions? clue!!!

I showed all those messages from Zuha and I told my feelings monotonously , and they told me that he would reject me as expected.

I was quite happy with that, hahaha , how cool friends I have ,who would help my every situation!!!

Then my day was okay , I was not thinking about this so called PROPOSAL and of course Rauf.

I reached home quicker than usual , after refreshing myself I sat down in my bed with my dairy by my side.

I checked out what and all I have written in it about my Fiancé, well France!!

I have written about the qualities I expected , I had that inner feeling to compare it with Rauf and so I gave in.


1.He must be a very islamic person and should be on the way of Deen.

Finding true LOVE...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora