Jewels Of A Bracelet

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     {}«Legolas' POV»{}

I'm sitting in front of the fireplace in the royal chambers, a steaming cup of tea in my hand. I watch the flames flicker up and down in its confined space in the wall. We arrived back a few weeks ago. The trip home had been peaceful. No Orcs had made an appearance. Adar was surprised to see us so soon, as he had not expected us for at least two or three more weeks. We told him all that had happened. He had had no knowledge of this one the Orcs called Master.

He wanted me. The Orcs had been under orders to bring me to him. Whoever he is. That is why they are attacking. They are trying to get to me. But for what reason? It seems unlikely that they would simply want to hold me for ransom as heir to the throne, but it is possible I suppose.

"Your tea is probably cool by now." I look up at the sound of my adar. I must have not heard him come in. He's sitting across from me, brow raised in slight amusement at the look that must be on my face when I realize that my drink is cold. I must have been sitting here longer than I thought.

"What is on your mind?" He asks as I set my drink aside.

I sigh and look at him. I know he will object to what I am about to propose, but I must do something to try to stop these attacks. "I should leave. Nobody has to know where I'm going, just so long as it is well known that I am gone."

Adar coughs on his wine. "Wh-what" He coughs. "What are you talking about?"

"Adar, if this Orc Master is after me, than as long as I'm here he will continue to attack. If I leave, he may as well." My theory is a long-shot, I know, but I am willing to try anything to stop these raids on my people.

"And what happens if he finds you?"

"He won't."

"What if he is trying to lure you into a trap like he did with the letter?"

"That is a chance I have to take."

A sharp knock on the door brings our conversation to an end. "Come in." Adar says and the door opens revealing Dolenel, dressed in the garments of a Captain. He had been temporary prompted while Thaladir is out of action. Though it would not be for much longer as he is nearly healed.

"My apologies for disturbing you so late," He says.

"What is it?" Adar asks with a sigh.

"A man. We found a man wandering the forest just inside the border."

"Is he here?" I ask.

"Yes. He is being cared for now. He nearly collapsed out of weariness when we found him."

"Take me to him." Adar says and followed Dolenel out. "Has lord Aragorn been informed?"

"He is being told now my lord. The man claims to be of Gondor, sent by lord Aragorn to scout out the surrounding areas of Moria."

When we arrive, Aragorn are already there.

"Where are the rest of your men?" I hear him ask as we walk into the room. A man with shaggy light brown hair sits on a bed. Elhael sits by him cleaning the large gash in his arm.

"They- they did not make it my lord." The man answers in a low voice. "Our camp was discovered and we were attacked by Orcs. All of my men were killed. Their leader bid me bring you this." He pulls a small package out of his pocket with an unsteady hand and hands it to Aragorn.

Aragorn opens it, his face pales as he reaches inside and pulls out silver bracelet lined with jewels. Something else falls into his hand but I cannot see what it is. I hear him whisper something inaudible. He reaches into the small package again and pulls out a folded piece of paper. He reads it before handing it to my adar and walking out.

"Aragorn!" I call after him as he walks down the hall. He doesn't slow down so I speed up, catching up to him seconds later. "Aragorn, what did it say? Whose jewels were those?"

"He has Arwen."

I know immediately who he is speaking of, but I ask anyway. "Who has her?"

Despair is heavy in his voice when he answers. "The Orc's Master."

"How do you know for certain?" I question, but I feel that he holds the answer within his hands.

"The bracelet is hers." He answers. "She rarely took it off, it was a parting gift from her adar. She would not give it up willingly."

"Aragorn, that does not mean that he has her. He could have-" I stopped short. In the palm of his trembling hand, is a lock of black, blood-matted hair.

All doubt leave my mind and I close my eyes, taking in what just happened. "Where is she?"

"The letter said Moria. He wants me to meet him at the West-gate." Aragorn says and then turned in the direction of the stables.

"Aragorn!" I call but he ignores me until we get to the stables. "Aragorn listen to me! You can't ride out after her on your own."

He drills me with a hard stare. "What do you expect me to do?"

I pause for a moment. "Ride with your men to Imladris. Elladan and Elrohir will offer aid. But running off in the middle of the night will not help her, wait, and we will leave in the morning."


"Yes, we. I can't stay here if this 'Master' is after me. If he knows in here he will continue to attack, but if I leave and nobody knows where, then he may stop the attacks."

Aragorn was silent for a moment. "What will your adar say to this?"

"We have already talked. He doesn't like it but he will understand that I need to do what I believe is best for the kingdom and my friend."


"Legolas, you are needed here." Adar argues as I continue to pack.

"Are you commanding me to stay?" I ask looking him dead in the eye. He huffs and sits down on the bed.

"Of course not. You're a grown ellon." He sighs. "I would not bid you go against your better judgment. I only wish you make certain that this is your best option before riding off, possibly into enemy hands."

I stop, setting down the tunic in my hand and take a seat beside him. "You needn't worry adar, I will not be alone and Aragorn needs my help. No one will know where I have gone; only that I have left.

We are both silent for a moment before adar looks up at me. "Has the rumor been started then?" He asks. We had a rumor started in hopes that it would get back to the Orc Master.

"Yes, they believe that I along with Thaladir and Dolenel have need to travel east."

"You are taking them with you then?"

"Yes, the remainder of Thaladir's unit has been put under the charge of another captain until we return."

He nods and stands up. "When will you be leaving then?"

"I will set out tomorrow and Aragorn will follow three days from then."

Adar nods again and heads for the door. "Get some rest ion nin. I will see you off in the morning."

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