Battle in the Mountain's Shadow

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     {}«Legolas' POV»{}

Footfalls fall almost silently behind me as I lead the army south.  The ellyn are calm, they know what war is like. Many of them fought in the Battle Under the Trees under the command of my adar. And the younger follow the lead of the older.

Long days of marching pass and then we camp for the last time before battle. The calm atmosphere turns restless in the shadow of the mountains. Rain starts to fall, first in sprinkles and then in torrents, adding the unrest of everyone.

I sit on the branches of a tree, to nervous to sleep, overlooking the troops. My cloak pulled tightly around me, protecting me from the rain pellets that beat down on me. If anyone needs me they know where to find me, but for now, all is quiet, but not quite peaceful.

Half an hour passes and some have now retired for the night, seeking shelter from the rain that still continues to pour, while others talk amongst themselves of home and family. Many of them won't make it through the battle tomorrow, I know, but I also know that if I gave them the choice, not many would back down now. They know that there is no guarantee that any of us will make it home where our loved ones are waiting; but they also know that this is the only way to protect those loved ones.

"We will follow you like we always have, you know."

I look around to find where the voice came from. Thaladir drops onto the branch beside me. I didn't hear him climb up. "I know." I answer, staring off into the distance where we will march come morning.

Neither of us speak again until the sun starts to show signs of rising behind the dark clouds. The rain hasn't stopped and the ground has become a mess of mud.

We are all aware that once we make our presence known, there will be no turning back. There will be no negotiations with this enemy. They want us dead, and we them. We fully expect them to engage on sight.

Once the sun has fully risen, we march into the muddy plain facing the mountains. Our assumptions are proven correct as an estimate of fifteen-hundred Orcs file out from the caves of the mountains.

Before the Orcs have a chance to engage fully, our archers release their folly of arrows. Horrifying screeches penetrate the air as Orcs fall out to the world of the living. Return arrows follow soon after. Elves fall to the earth beside me.

"Herio!" I shout, leading the army forward into battle. Our force crashes onto the enemy. Screams from those on the front line that are unable to avoid the spears the Orcs hold. Most of the front line falls. The second and third lines storm through the enemy lines.

I duck to avoid a sword that is swung over my head. The Orc stumbles forward and I take the opportunity, standing back up and running my knife into its back before turning around and beheading another.

Orcs continue to pour out of the caves. We still outnumber them, but not by much. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spot an array of colors, green, blue, and several others on the side of the mountain. Further down, archers are positions, bows drawn. But before I can shout a warning, arrows rain down on us, one landing not six inches from me. Four of the ten ellyn that fought by my side, fall; dead eyes gazing on a clouded sky.

Bodies of both kinds now litter the water soaked earth, but we continue on. Hours ware by and now the front three lines, myself included, start to fall back as the next several lines charge forward.

The injured are taken to one side of the camp. I spend the next several hours hearing reports of the developments of the enemies movement whist I was engaged in battle.

"Their numbers are dwindling, my lord." An ellon informs me once I am in my own tent. "The scouts watching from inside the tree line have reported to us." I look at him, waiting for him to continue. "They have spotted their leader."

His words capture my full attention. "Where."

He pushes away the papers that clutter the map sitting on the table. "Here." He answers, pointing to a shelf in the side of the mountain. "He is commanding his entire army via a series of colored flags."

That explains what it was I saw earlier then. "Are you sure of this?"

"Yes, my lord. There was no question to be found in the scout's report."

"Restock my quiver." I tell him and his eyes grow wide. "I'm going after him."

"A-alone sir?"

"Yes, and do not let anyone come after me. That is an order."

"Yes, my lord, as you wish." And with that he turns and leaves. Seconds later Thaladir enters, water dripping from his muddy armor, which is medal today as leather does not provide enough protection in open battle.

"You plan to go after him alone?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow. "This tent isn't exactly made of stone." He says answering my nonverbal question.

I nod, wiping my sword clean as I have not had the chance to do so until now. "I have to."

He nods, knowing that I will not back down from this. "If you insist on going, than at least let me accompany you."

I shake my head as I replace my sword back in its sheath. "You have ellyn under your command, you cannot abandon them."

"Most of my unit is injured, and the others fell." He stops, staring at the floor for a moment and I grant him the silence while he composes himself. Losing warriors is not something you can become accustomed to. But it is the price we pay for the life we chose to lead, no matter how badly we wish to change it. A sigh escapes my lips at the thought and Thaladir looks up, a smile lacking the humor that he tries hard to portray, on his dirt smudged face.

"Besides," He says. "as I recall, you have an entire kingdom under your command yet you are not allowing that to stop you."

"That is true mellon nin." I force a smile, though if I am being honest with myself, I know I am being selfish wanting to go after him alone. But Calithilon not only killed adar, but also many of my people. And either of those are reasons enough for me to go after him.

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