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Ever since Cheryl declared she was guilty, everyone was on edge. Julia couldn't help but wonder if her best friend actually was guilty. She knew Cheryl was a bitch, but the mean girl didn't seem like a cold hearted killer. And Cheryl loved Jason more than anything- even herself.

Currently, Julia was sitting in the student lounge with her "side squad" as she referred to them in her head. She split her free time between the Vixens and Betty's friend group. She liked the status and power that came from the cheer squad, but she loved how Betty's friends were welcoming her back in.

Archie was telling the group how he confessed to hearing the gunshot at Sweetwater River on July 4th. He didn't snitch on Ms. Grundy, much to Julia's disappointment. That cougar deserved to rot in a jail cell.

"So are you a suspect now?" Veronica asked Archie.

"My dad says we all are, including me," Kevin replied, eating a twizzler.

"Not me, girl. I don't know these people," Veronica said sassily.

"Ditto to that," Julia replied, high fiving the dark haired girl.

"Guys, should we maybe re-binge Making a Murderer on Netflix tonight?" Kevin asked the group, raising his eyebrows.

"I'll be there," Julia winked at Kevin.

"Sorry, can't gotta stay late to work on the paper," Betty excused herself.

"Count me out too. I've got a date tonight," Veronica smirked.

"You do?" Archie dumbly asked. He was so dense sometimes.

"Which Riverdale hottie made the cut?" Kevin asked, digging for information.

As soon as Kevin stopped talking, Chuck Clayton walked into the lounge, followed by Riverdale's biggest fxckboys. "Hey V-Lo. I'll swing by the Pembrooke to pick you up at 8?"

"I'll be waiting," Veronica flirted.

"Cool," he replied before smirking at Reggie and Moose and exiting the room.

"Chuck Clayton?"
"You're going on a date with Chuck?"
"Oh my God, good luck."

Veronica looked down and smiled, proud that she locked in a date with Riverdale High's most popular guy.

Betty and Julia exchanged a worried look. Julia thought Veronica could handle herself, something told her she had experience with wild guys. "He's kind of a player..." Betty warned.

"Who cares? He's the hottest of the hot, and he's the varsity football coach's son. In Riverdale that's like dating a Kennedy," Kevin gushed. He was over-exaggerating, but going out with Chuck Clayton did boost your popularity up a few notches.

"Been there done that, but don't worry, that was a year ago," Julia smiled at Veronica. Chuck was a major asshxle, but maybe he had changed since she last went out with him.


When Julia got home, she raced upstairs to video chat with her friends from London. She pulled out her laptop and opened Skype. The video chat rang about five times before a familiar face graced the screen. "Oh my god Julie! GUYS, Julie's on!" Julia giggled as her old friends crowded together in the frame. "Why haven't you called us since you went back home?" Isaac said, sounding worried.

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