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When Julia returned home from the movie, she was surprised to see Jughead calling her. He usually just sent one word text messages, so getting a call was a rare occurence. She pulled the phone to her ear and waited for the call to connect.

"Jug? What's up, are you okay?"

"Not technically, but I need a favor," he said uneasily.

Julia furrowed her brows, "I thought you weren't into that kind of...stuff. Also we're way too close for that."

"Not in that way Lia, oh my God, can I crash at your place tonight? My dad kicked me out."

"Holy shxt, um... of course. Just come through my window so Jillian doesn't have a heart attack," Julia frowned. The call ended and she wondered why Jughead's dad would have kicked him out. She always remembered how unfairly attractive he was for a dad, but not much about him in general. Julia shrugged her shoulders and opened her window, setting blankets and pillows on the couch that sat in the corner of her room.


When Jughead made Julia drive him to school for a newspaper meeting with Betty, she was annoyed. All she wanted was a few more precious moments of sleep, but no, the newpaper had to have a meeting at the crack of dawn.

"Julia you're being way too dramatic right now. You can sleep when we get there," Jughead chided her. He was technically right, but his loud snoring kept her up all night.

"Jug, you know I love you, you're like my brother, but can you please stop talking."

The two entered the room to find Betty doing some research at her desk. "Hey Bets," she greeted her cousin before laying down on a couch in the corner of the room. Julia pulled her sleep mask out of her bag and tried to get comfortable.

Her short nap was over when she heard Kevin's voice in the room."This is how my dad had his Jason Blossom murder board before it was trashed," he said angrily.

"Wait, what?" Julia frowned, pulling her sleep mask off of her head. "Someone broke into your house?" Kevin nodded at her before turning to the new makeshift murder board.

"Any leads on who did that? Or what they were looking for?" Jughead inquired, obviously interested.

"Nope. No fingerprints," he paused. "But they stole a bunch of files, background checks, and all the video and audiotapes of police interviews."

The three studied the board while Julia laid back down, until they were interruped by the door creaking.

"Hey Betty..."a handsome mystery boy greeted the blonde.

"Trev, hi!" Betty exclaimed. Julia raised an eyebrow, her cousin never acted like this- girly. And when did Trev get hot?

"Sorry to interrupt..." Trev said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh no! It's okay!" Betty exclaimed in the same tone as before. Julia cocked her head and smiled, enjoying this awkward side of Betty. "We're just uh working on-"

"Our murder board," Jughead rudely finished Betty's sentence.

Trev's eyes widened and his jaw opened slightly. "Well, I just wanted to make sure we're still on for tomorrow."

WITHOUT YOU [RIVERDALE] (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now