without you

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[UPDATE: I have decided to unpublish the existing 12 chapters of this fic to work on editing and match up the storylines! I have left my thought process below, in case you wanted to know further in depth why I have unpublished it.

Thank you all for understanding & I will try to work on the new and improved Without You as fast as I can! Make sure to add it to your libraries so you can be notified when the new chapters are up, because the storyline will be slightly different. ]

hi guys! thank you so much for taking the time to read my fic/this author's note. (yes, sadly this isn't an update)

i need your help, because honestly i have no idea what to do with this story. i love the thought of it in my head, but trying to create a plot that coincides with the show is difficult. i have julia's entire subplot planned out, but since i wrote the earlier chapters immediately after the episodes came out, i could never find a place to incorporate it.

since i push myself to write everything immediately after the episode, i feel that my writing isn't great. i feel like it isn't fair to publish chapters that i am not completely happy with. the number of comments and reads are declining with each chapter significantly, so this also makes me wonder if i should rewrite this story.

would you guys want me to keep putting out somewhat fast updates that aren't completely planned out? or to unpublish and completely reinvent this story? please let me know your thoughts on this fic so far, and what you think i should do for the future of this story. thank you in advance for the feedback!

xo, paige

WITHOUT YOU [RIVERDALE] (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now